WFC101 user manual 20110310.odt
Guarantee is for 24 months from the date of purchase. The guarantee doesn’t cover any indirect damage caused
due to non functioning of the appliance or damage caused by using the appliance carelessly or not according to
the instructions.
Technical Information
Power rating:
230 VAC 50 Hz 12A
Maximum power:
2800 W (ohmic load)
Identifying the alarm signals:
All the current fire alarms (adjustable identifying of the alarm signal allows
identifying several different fire alarms)
Starts automatically, can be set from 30 min to 5 hours by the user. Factory
set to 1 hour.
433.92 Mhz (remote control)
CE, FI, Casing IP20 (cannot be used in a plug box with a flap)
(Patent FI 117526, PCT pending)
Additional information:
+358(0)941143357 i[email protected]
Fire and Leak Guard
WFC101 user Manual
The function of the Fire and Leak Guard
The Fire and Leak Guard is a safety device that
protects the washing machine/dishwasher from
electric fires and leaks. When the Fire and Leak
Guard is connected to the washing
machine/dishwasher, it starts to follow the
corded leak sensor (8) and to listen to the room.
If the Guard notices that the washing
programme is jammed, the washing
machine/dishwasher is taking too much power
for too long, the fire alarm signals or the leak
sensor has identified a leak, it cuts off the
electricity supply and the water to the washing
machine. The water is cut off by using a
magnetic valve. Thus the Fire and Leak Guard
can stop electric fires and prevent water
When the washing machine/dishwasher is
switched on, the Fire and Leak Guard turns the
electricity and water supply on and starts the
timer automatically. A short while after the
washing programme has finished, the Guard
switches the electricity and water supply off
(when the time in the timer has finished). The
automatic timer is factory set to one hour. Note that the timer will start from the switching on of the washing
machine/dishwasher, not from the starting of the washing programme. Therefore, if the washing programme is
started long after the switching on of the washing machine/dishwasher, the timer might cut the electricity supply
and the water off in the middle of the programme.
By pressing the button (1) on the Guard the electricity can be turned on and off. If the electricity supply is cut off
because of the timer, it can be turned on again either by turning the washing machine off for a while and then on
again, or by pressing the button (1) on the Guard once. The signal light (2) indicates that the washing machine is
connected to the electricity. By turning the switch (3) with a small screwdriver, the identification of the alarm
signal can be adjusted. The Fire and Leak Guard is factory set to identify the most common fire alarms.
1. Connect the Fire and Leak Guard between the plug socket and the plug of the washing machine/dishwasher.
Adjust the magnetic valve (5 Optional Water Solenoid WS101) between the machine’s hose and tap (see the
picture on the back page).
2. Turn the electricity on by pressing the button (1) on the Guard.
3. Do an alarm test with the fire alarm. The fire alarm should be located at a maximum distance of five (5)
meters from the Fire and Leak Guard. Let the fire alarm signal for at least 15 seconds. Check that when the
fire alarm signals, the Guard turns the electricity supply off successfully. When the electricity supply is
Magnetic valve
Water and electricity
inputs of the appliance
connected to
the plug box
An additional Leak Sensor
Leak Sensor