Nix Product Manual |
Wiring and Connections
INGENIA | 01/22/2019
7.4.5 Absolute encoder interface
The Nix has an Absolute encoder connector that can be used as position and velocity feedback element. This sensor
generates digital data that represent the encoder actual position. From the position information, speed and
direction of motion is calculated. The position is not lost even if the encoder is powered down, this means it is not
necessary to move to a reference position as with incremental type encoders.
Next table shows the absolute encoder inputs electrical specifications.
Type of inputs
ESD protected
ESD capability
IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ± 12 kV (air), ± 12 kV (contact)
IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) ± 4 kV
Number of inputs
2 (CLK and DATA)
Nominal voltage range
0 ~ 5 V
Maximum voltage range
-13 ~ 16.5 V
Maximum readable frequency (SSI)
1 kHz
120 Ω on data line
Next Figure shows how to connect an Absolute encoder to Nix Servo Drive. Refer to