EonStor DS 3000 Series Hardware Manual
2.3.6 Expansion connections
A SAS host link is bundled per expansion package. If you need to purchase other cables, or if you need
other cables of different lengths, contact your vendor.
Before configuring the expansions, you must take note of the following important points:
For a cleaner and clutter-free rack system, have a carefully planned routing paths when connecting
between systems.
All SAS cables are sensitive and must be handled with care. DO NOT bend or twist the cables
when connecting the systems installed to the rack.
Configuring the SAS expansion
The SAS expansion port connects to expansion systems. For dual-controller systems, each expansion
port connects to a controller of another expansion system, making fault-tolerant links to different SAS
The following principles apply to SAN storage and expansion system connections:
Dual-controller SAN storage connects to a single-controller expansion system
Single-controller SAN storage connects to a single-controller expansion system
A longer cable is available in making expansion links with a dual-controller configuration. If you
need to connect expansion systems from two opposite directions, you may need a longer cable.
Routing between two different connections can avoid loss of data links if one expansion fails to
Setting the expansion IDs
Each expansion system must have a unique ID and you can configure the ID via the rotary ID switch. To
set the expansion IDs, use a small flat-blade screwdriver.
You must take note of the following when setting the IDs on the expansion system:
Set the IDs from 1 to 15. The order starts from the expansion
that is closest to the managing DS enclosure.
Ensure to set a unique ID on each enclosure so that the SAS
WWN addresses of the disk drives are properly assigned. The
SAN storage system firmware automatically manages these