MAG-200 Operator Guide Rev 1.05.
According to the protocol tftp the device loads the flash located on the route
filename ("mag200/Sboot") from the server specified in the next-server (
and performs upgrading.
If the option “Use upgrade” is set to “Yes”, it shall contain the following items
when entering the bootloader menu: “Upgrade Tools”, “Def. Settings”, “Exit & Save”,
“Exit & Discard”; they agree with the bootloader items. Additional item “Upgrade Menu”,
appears, which allows moving to the full menu of the bootloader
If the option “Use upgrade” is set to “No”, the manufacturer bootloader shall be
Setting the operator key and logo
The device allows setting the logo in the process of loading. This logo appears
after switching on the device and before the basic program is started. Information
messages that reflect the process of the basic program loading are displayed on the
background of the logo.
A file in the format bmp 8Bit, 16Bit 565RGB or 24Bit 888RGB can be used as a logo.
The file can be compressed with the archiver gzip:
gzip -S .gz ./STB-bootlogo.bmp
The size of the file to be installed in the device should not exceed 48Kb.
When the menu item “Upgrade Image”/ “Set LOGO&KEY” is chosen the device shall
form a dhcp-request with the following parameters:
1. vendor_class_id
- " TeleTecMAG200upglogo"
2. dhcp_client_id - "TeleTecMAG200-XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", where
XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX – MAC device address
Indicate the location of the upgrading file in the answer. The contents of the file
class "MAG200_upglogo" {
match if (( option vendor-class-identifier="TeleTecMAG200upglogo"));
filename "mag200/ STB-bootlogo.bmp.gz";