Chapter 3 - Configuration scenarios
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Step 8
We have to create an SVI interface for the management traffic to the unit:
Open the Network Settings section
Press the «Create SVI» button
Enter the SVI interface number in the pop-up window and then press the «Ok»
button (we strongly recommend using your management VLAN number for SVI
interface number to avoid confusion)
Select the Switch Group (the management Switch Group created in Step 7) that
will be associated with this SVI interface
Figure 82 - Creat an SVI interface
Figure 83 - Associate a Switch group to the SVI interface
Step 9
All management traffic in our network belongs to VLAN 100 and therefore, it is
tagged. In order to access the unit through the management network, an L3-interface
is needed to be accessible via VLAN 100.
For this purpose, we have to create a VLAN interface (it will act as a sub-interface
of the SVI interface created in Step 8:
Press the «Create VLAN» button
re the “svi100” interface as the Parent interface for the “vlan100”
Configure the “Vlan ID” parameter for the management VLAN 100