Chapter 3 - Configuration scenarios
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Let’s log in to one of the remained three units and configure it as CPE (in this
example, from the traffic point of view). We have to configure two Switch Groups, as
well: one for the data traffic and another one for the unit management. However, the
default Switch Group #1 cannot be used for any of these purposes, so we are going
to remove it in order to simplify the configuration:
Go t
o Basic Settings → MAC Switch section
Press the «Remove Group» button on the Switch Group #1 subsection and then
press the «Ok» button:
Figure 78 - Remove the default Switch group
Step 6a
We have to create another Switch Group that will handle all the data traffic that
crosses through the CPE. The data traffic received by the CPE could be untagged
(the scenario covered in this step) or tagged (the scenario covered in Step 6b).
The process is the same as the one described in the previous sections, however,
there are two important differences:
The Switch Group number must correspond with the VLAN number used by this
client. We are going to configure VLAN 101 for the CPE 1 and the Switch Group
The Switch Group operation mode must be set to
“In-Trunk”. This mode requires
a numerical parameter which is the Switch Group number (set in the BS)
containing the necessary VLAN corresponding to the CPE. In our case, the
client data traffic that goes to the BS from the upstream equipment is placed
into Switch Group #1, so In-Trunk mode parameter must be set to 1.
The Ethernet interface must act as an access port in this scenario, so the VLAN
tag must be stripped (removed) from all egress packets and all inbound traffic
should be tagged.
We are going to perform the following configuration:
Press the «Create Switch Group» button
Configure Switch Group 101 in the pop-up window
Press the «Ports» button