User Manual
TriBoard TC3X7 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X7 V2.0
TriBoard Manual TC3X7
Hardware: TriBoard TC3X7 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X7 V2.0
TriBoard Information
The TriBoard provide a RJ45 connector (X306) for twisted pair ethernet connections.The TriBoard use a Realtek
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver RTL8211FI-CG as physical interface device. For more
information about the ethernet modul see TC3X9 User’s Manual, about the PHY see the RTL8211F datasheet. For
the pinout of RJ45 see
The PHY is connected to the TriCore device via resistors and resistor arrays (R370 up to R374 and RN301 up to
For the connection between TriCore and PHY is used RGMII.
Please note that the used signals for RGMII (P11.0 up to P11.12) are not connected to any connector.
HSCT (optional)
The TriBoard provide a footprint of IEEE 1394 socket (X201 and X202) for connection to other TC3XX via HSCT.
Note: Don’t use X201 and X202 for connection to any IEEE 1394
device, this can destroy the board and/or the connected
X201 is connected to HSCT0 and X202 to HSCT1 of the used device (if used microcontroller support second HSCT).
For connect two TriBoards you need to assemble this socket (Lumberg 2415 01) on each board and connect the
boards with a standard 6 pin IEEE 1394 cable. For the pinout of socket see
High speed with HSCT
For use the HSCT connection between two board you need to remove 9 resistors to have a very short connection
between device and connector. On the TC3X7 Triboard this 9 resistors are R250, R251, R252, R253, R254, R257,
R258, R259 and R260 (red marked in
). This resistors needs to be removed.
mportant: When the resistors are removed then the port signals P20.0, P21.2, P21.3, P21.4, P21.5, P21.0, P21.1,
P22.2 and P22.3 are no longer available on the 80 pin samtec connectors.