Application Kit TC2X5
Hardware Manual
Application Kit Information
User’s Manual
V 2.0, 2013-05
Application Kit Information
Power Supply
The microcontroller needs 3 different supply voltages. This voltages are generated
internally via Infineons Next generation microcontroller supply TLE 7368-3E (+5V;
+3,3V) and via the microcontroller itself (+1,3V).
Applying a stable supply voltage causes the power on reset after a short period. The
LED' (+5V) indicate the status of the 5V voltage.
A manual power on reset is executed by pressing the reset button.
Power via supply connector (X101)
The Board has to be connected to a +5,5V to +40V DC power supply.
The power consumption is not specified yet but a supply with 6V and 600mA should be
sufficient. The pinout for the supply connector is shown in
. There can be used
any standard power pack with a connector where the positive line is surrounded by the
ground line.
Shutdown the board
The board can be switched off by disconnecting the power plug or by software via pin
P10.8. A low level on pin P10,8 will switch off the power regulator except the standby
supply of 2,6V. In this case all only the RTC is working and can wake up the board by an
alarm. In this case you shouldn’t remove the power connector. Make sure that there is
not active alarm from the RTC when you need to switch off the board. In case of an active
alarm the board is not switched off.
Real Time Clock
The board is equipped with a RTC MCP7940M from Microchip. The device is powered
from the standby voltage of the TLE7368 and is also powered when the TLE7368 is
switched off. For backup when the TLE7368 is not powered then there is a small battery
to hold the value inside the RTC. When the battery is not installed (e.g. first time use)
you could insert the battery in the holder to keep the time. The RTC is connected to the
microcontroller via I2C bus and can trigger an ESR1 interrupt (activ high) with the
alarms. Also an alarm from the RTC will wake-up (switch on) the board if the board is
powered and not started (shutdown). For more information about the RTC please see
the datasheet of MCP7940M.
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