User manual
Please read the Important notice and the Safety precautions and the Warnings
Rev. 1.1
page 1 of 16
BTN9970 / BTN9990 Motor control shield
Arduino shield for evaluation
About this document
Scope and purpose
This document describes the usage of the Motor control shield for BTN9970 and BTN9990 V1.2. The board can
be connected to an Arduino UNO board.
Intended audience
This document is intended for electronic engineers who want to evaluate a high current PMOS / NMOS half
bridge with integrated driver.
Evaluation board
This board can be used during design in phase for customer projects, for evaluation and measurement of
BTN9970 / BTN9990 device behavior.
PCB and auxiliary circuits are not optimized for final customer design.
Figure 1
BTN9970 / BTN9990 motor control shield stacked on Arduino UNO board