User guide
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5 kW two-channel interleaved CCM PFC EVAL board
IKW40N65WR5, IDW60C65D1 and 1ED44175 in high frequency PFC application
System design
System design
To meet individual customer requirements and make the EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS evaluation board a basis for
development or modification, all necessary technical data like schematics, layout and components are included
in this chapter.
The EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS consisits of three blocks: power stage, controller circuit and auxiliary supply, all of
which are on the same board. All surface mounted devices are mounted on the bottom layer, enabling customers
to modifiy parameters if necessary.
There are a total of 6 schematic diagrams in its design. The figures below describe their functions respectively.
Figure 6 shows the
converter’s EMI filter, soft start control, and diode rectifers. Connectors
X1, X3 and X6 connect
to grid line, neutral and ground respectively. Three MOVs (R58, R60 and R61) and gase discharge tube GT1 consist
of the surge protection circuit. R54 and R55 limit input current ramp slope at startup. Once the voltage of output
capacitors is up to about 230V, the K1 relay turns on and bypasses R54 and R55. At this point, the PFCconverter
works with high efficiency.