Index Braille 4X4 PRO User Manual Download Page 5

Index Braille

Page 5

 Index 4X4 PRO

January 2000

Version 1.20


Operating the embosser


How to start up


Loading paper

A) The right side margin guide is fixed to the far most right position.
B) Open the sheet feeder with the lever on the left side.
Load the paper and adjust the left side paper guide until it touch the paper and lock it properly.

Maximum paper width that can be handled by the sheet feeder is 297 mm. If a narrow paper is used,
only the left margin guided should be adjusted accordingly and properly locked in that position.
NOTE! Never change the position of the right side margin guide on the 4X4 PRO!

C) When loading the sheet feeder, make sure it is not overfilled. For the best possible function it is
necessary to leave 1-2 mm free space between the pick-up rollers and the paper stack before closing
the sheet feeder.
D) Set the two paper supports at the margins of the paper.
E) Select card or sheet mode on the sheet feeder. Card mode is normally for paper of 120-200 gsm.,
and sheet mode for paper below this weight. Make sure that the card/sheet selectors is set to the same
position on both side of the paper.


Sheet feeder details

For a detailed description of sheet feeder adjustment, different paper qualities, sheet feeder maintenance
and fault in paper handling see chapter 9.


Paper settings


Page length setting

On delivery the default paper length is 420 mm.
To change the default paper length, double-click the FORM FEED key. The printer will echo the
measured value of the paper length in mm. Smaller adjustments of the paper length value can be done
from setup.

If you use a paper type differentfrom the paper that was delivered with the printer, the printer may need
to calibrate the paper sensor in order to accept the new type of paper.
For instructions, see 6.4.7  - Paper sensor calibration.


Pre-folding line position

Turn the printer ON. Press the "1" or "10" key once and then 

the SETUP key

. A paper will be fed into the

printer, where a pre-folding line are printed. Check the position of the line by folding the paper and
make sure that the edges matches each other.
If the pre-folding line is not at the correct position, e.g. the first printed page is wider then the second,
then the value is to high. Decrease the value by using the 1 and 10 keys in the copy features. The upper
key “1” increases 1 (+1) and the lower key “10” decreases 1 (-1) for each keystroke. When you
reached the matching value, press SETUP to store it in the printer memory. (If the first printed page is
more narrow then the second, then the value is to low and must be increased.) When you press the 1
and 10 keys now, the spoken value will be in number of motor steps.  Decrease it e.g. 5 steps and then
press the Setup key to make a new test printout. Check the position of the line by folding the paper and
make sure that the edges matches each other.
When the pre-folding line is correct, the printer is ready for use.

Summary of Contents for 4X4 PRO

Page 1: ...printing 9 4 2 Defaultsetup 9 4 3 Setup 9 4 4 Standardcommands 10 4 4 1 On offline 10 4 4 2 Form Feed 10 4 4 3 Help 10 4 5 Printmode 10 4 5 1 Normal 10 4 5 2 Reformatted 10 4 5 3 Disabledkeys 10 4 6 Copy 11 4 6 1 Multiple 11 4 6 2 Repeat 11 5 Setupcommands 12 5 1 Default setup A B C 12 5 2 Setup 12 5 2 1 ChangeSetup 12 5 2 2 Setup keys 12 5 2 2 1 Group 12 5 2 2 2 Item 12 5 2 2 3 Value 12 5 2 2 3 1...

Page 2: 24 7 4 Transparentmode 25 7 5 Power on commands 25 7 5 1 Selftest 25 7 5 2 Factorysetting 25 7 5 3 Transportmode 25 7 6 Faultmessages 26 7 6 1 FailureNoreference pulse 26 7 6 2 FailurePaperlengthfault 26 7 6 3 Failure Paper jam 26 7 6 4 Failure140 invalidsetupcommand 26 7 6 5 Failureinvalidsetupvalue 26 7 6 6 Failure 160 EEPROM failure 26 7 6 7 Failure 170 Text buffer exceeded 26 8 Serial commu...

Page 3: ...upfromthebox Removethetwoprint headtransportlocking redcoloured plastics placedinsidethesheetfeeder Savethetransportationmaterial Note Whenshipping pleaserememberthattheembosserisadelicateunit Itisthereforemost importanttoreplacetheprintingheadlockers andusetheoriginalpacking Beforeinstallingtheembossermakesurethatthereisnovisibledamagetotheembosserandthatthe deliveryiscomplete Ifyouencounteranypr...

Page 4: ...INDEX4X4PRO SOUNDABSORBINGCABINET CABLES PAPERSUPPORTS USERINDEX MANUALINKPRINT SUPPORTCD BRAILLEPAPER BINDINGSTATION Optional SANDPAPER 1 3 Safety instructions Beforepoweron makesurethatthevoltageselectionswitchissetforthecorrect value Theswitchislocatedundertheleftlegoftheembosser ...

Page 5: ...length setting Ondeliverythedefaultpaperlengthis420mm Tochangethedefaultpaperlength double clicktheFORMFEEDkey Theprinterwillechothe measuredvalueofthepaperlengthinmm Smalleradjustmentsofthepaperlengthvaluecanbedone fromsetup Ifyouuseapapertypedifferentfromthepaperthatwasdeliveredwiththeprinter theprintermayneed to calibrate the paper sensor in order to accept the new type of paper Forinstructions...

Page 6: ...coveraretwoplasticdocumentguides Thecorrectpositionfor theseistobelinedupwiththemarginguidesfollowingthesideedgesofthesheet inordertoliftthe papertothecorrectpositioninthedocumentstack howeveritmayvaryondifferentpaperqualities 2 5 Computer connection ConnectIndex4X4PROtothecomputerwiththeSerialorCentronicsinterface Whenturningonthe 4X4PRO bothportsarereadytoreceiveinformation 2 5 1 Serial communic...

Page 7: ...hefirstpaperonaneightpages document the pages 1 2 7 8 will be embossed The process a b c will result in a delay of up to approximately30secondsbeforethe4X4PROstartstoembossthedocument Organisation of the pages in an 8 pages saddle stitch binding printout d Embossingofthepagesformatarealwayssideways e Embossingofthedocumentcanbedoneincludingapre foldingline Theembosseddocumentis placedinthedocument...

Page 8: ...h Length 297 500 420 431 8 Width 210 297 297 279 4 Possible character per line for various paper lengths Paper Standard Minimum Default Maximum Lengthinmm PaperFormat char line char line char line 279 USLetter 18 20 21 279 x 216 297 A4Portrait 20 22 20 420 A3Portrait 30 31 33 432 Tabloid 31 32 34 11 x17 500 Max 36 37 39 3 5 Characters per line Thistableshowsthemaximumpossiblenumberofcharactersperl...

Page 9: ...ratedcomputerortogetherwitha BrailleeditorworkinginWindows controllingtheembosserwithatextbaseddriver e g Duxbury Thekeysareorganisedinfivegroups 1 STANDARDCOMMANDS OnLine OffLine FormFeed Help 2 PRINTMODE Normal Reform SplitPage Double Single 3 COPY Repeat Multiple 1 10 4 DEFAULTSETUP A DefaultsetupA B DefaultsetupB C Default setup C 5 SETUP Setup Group Item Value 4 1 Start printing Connect the e...

Page 10: ...dwiththecorrectcharactersperlineaccordingtothesetupoftheembosser 4 5 2 Reformatted Inreformattedprintmodethe4X4PROformatsthetexttoeraseanyexcessspacesinthetextfile e g multiplespaces FF FormFeed andCR LF Newline Thisfunctionisveryusefulwhenprintinga textfilemadeforinkprintinBrailleornormalliterary grade1 Braille Re formattingfunctionworksinthefollowingway Autoline feedandwordwrapisautomaticallyset...

Page 11: ...ctionsandwith 1 and 10 youcanselectthenumberofcopies and orwhatpartofadocumenttoprint 4 6 1 Multiple MULTIPLEisusedtoselectthenumberofcopies Example Make54copies MULTIPLE 5 x 10 4 x 1 MULTIPLE and send the file to 4X4 PRO 4 6 2 Repeat REPEAT isusedtostartaprintoutofthelastprinteddocument PresstheREPEAT keytwicetoprintone copyofthelatestprinteddocument PressREPEAT once completedbythenumber1 10tosel...

Page 12: ...toredin theactiveSetup ThekeysGROUP ITEMandVALUEareorganisedinatreestructure whereGROUPistheselectionof fourmajorgroups ITEMisthedifferentitemstochangeineachgroupandVALUEisthevalueforeach item Seedescriptionatchapter5 4 5 2 2 Setup keys 5 2 2 1 Group GROUPincludesfourdifferentgroupsofparameters BRAILLECODE SERIALCOMMUNICATION PAGE LAYOUTandOPTION WhenpressingGROUPseveraltimes youwilltogglebetweent...

Page 13: ...alcommunicationparameterscanbechanged Baudrate 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 Serialdata 7 8 Parity Odd Even None StopBit 1 2 Handshake Hardware Software 5 3 3 Page layout Pagelayoutcontainsthefollowingoptions Charactersperline 23 38 TopMargin 0 3linesheight BottomMargin 0 3characterswidth Printmode Normal Reformatted Pagenumber On Off Pagewidth 100 297mm Pagelength 110 500mm Numberofpage 1 2 or 4 5 ...

Page 14: ...ionofthepaper iscreated Checkthatthepositionofthelineiscorrectbyfoldingthepaper Theedgesofthepapershouldmatch eachother Ifthereisamismatchofthepaperedges followtheinstructionswithchapter6 9 5 3 3 6 Number of page Index4X4canalsobeusedasanordinaryEverestprinter printingnormaldouble sidedorsingle sided Braille 1 or 2 pages per paper Withitemnumberofpageyoucanselect 1givessinglesidedprintoutinlandsca...

Page 15: ...sethe 1 and 10 keystogetherwiththesetup keytoadjustthepositionofthepre foldingline Refertochapter6 9fordetaileddescription Linelength When4X4measurersthepaper itautomaticallycalculatesandsetsthenumberofcharactersperline Withitemcharactersperlineyoucanchangethevalueofthenumberofcharactersperline When changingthevalue itwilleffectonlythewidthofthebindingmargin Pagewidth Pagewidthdefineshowmanylinesp...

Page 16: ...electthevolumeofthespeechfeedback 5 3 4 5 Impact level Selecttheimpactlevelofthehammersfordifferentpaperqualities 5 3 4 6 Delay time Selectthedelaytimewhichtheembosserwaitsformoreinformationafterafile Note Usingacomputerwithaslowdisc driverequiresalongerdelaytimeintheembosser 5 3 4 7 Set up Select access to setup Not opengives access only by the command power on Setup key Openallowsaccessbypressin...

Page 17: ...IndexBraille Page17 Index 4X4 PRO January2000 Version1 20 5 4 Flow schematic for Setup ...

Page 18: ...stotheentirecontentsoftheCD Thisbrowserhasaspecialfeature itcanexecutecommandsdirectlyfromahtmlpage whywe stronglyrecommendnottouseanyotherbrowsers 6 3 WinBraille system TheCDincludestheWinBraillesystem compatibletoWindows95 98 NT WinBraillewillbeusedasthesoftwareplatformforIndexEmbossers Besidetheeitingandtranslation featuresitalsoprovidesfunctionsforupgradingtheembossersoftware sandgiveaccesstoI...

Page 19: ...ogram Thefollowingdialogboxwillappearonthescreen 1 Selectembossertype 2 Select port 3 SelectiftheWinBrailleembossershouldbesetasdefaultprinter 4 ClickontheInstallbutton Whentheprinterdriverinstallationisready clickontheClosebutton 6 4 Embosser software installation AftertheinstallationoftheWinBraillesoftwareiscompleted theinstallationprogramwillsuggestthatyou alsoupgradeyourembossertothelatestsoft...

Page 20: ...dex 4X4 PRO Page20 January2000 Version1 20 6 4 1 Firmware upgrade Anewdialogboxwillnowappear ReadtheinstructionsandclickonNEXTtocontinue 6 4 2 Select language SelectyourdesiredlanguageinthemenuandclickonNEXTtocontinue ...

Page 21: ...ey The embosserwillnowstartupandgivingarepeatedbeepingsound Clicknextinthedialogbox 6 4 4 Firmware transfer Whenthefinaldownloaddialogboxisdisplayed makesurethat thecorrectportisselected then press theUPGRADEFIRMWAREbutton Whentheinstallationisready theprogramwillshutdownandtheembosserwillecho IndexEverest Ready TheembosserisnowreadyforusewiththeWinBraillesystem ...

Page 22: ...ngthinmm thenitaskyouto givepagelength Givethecorrectlengthofthepaperandsetit byusingthe1and10keysinthecopyfeatures Theupperkey 1 increases1 1 andthelowerkey 10 decreases1 1 foreachkeystroke Whenyoureachedthematchingvalue pressSETUPto storeitintheprintermemory Anewpaperwillnowbefedintotheprinter whereanumberofdotswillbeprintedattheendofthe paper Theprinterwillechothevalueofthemaximumnumberofprinte...

Page 23: ...cessibleinthehelpmenu 6 5 1 Register WinBraille Bytheendofthetutorialwizardaregistrationformwillbedisplayed Makesurethatyoufilltheform andmailittoIndex ByregistringasaWinBrailleuser youwillbenotifiedonfutureprogramchangesandupgrades Theregistrationformisalsoaccessibleinthehelpmenu 6 5 2 Upgrade WinBraille UpgradescanbeautomaticallyupgradedfromIndexWebsite OnthehelpmenugotoInternetand clickongetupg...

Page 24: ...1 Auto Line Feed ON ESC 51 AutoLineFeedOFF ESC 92 SelectallCharactersChart ESC n1 n2x256 Transparentmodewheren1andn2 Hex arethenumberofcharactersinthe transparentstring Inthestringthereisnotranslation bit1 correspondsto dot bit2 to dot2 etc Esc 94 Prints 1characterfromallcharacterchart 7 2 ESC Sequences Index commands ESC C Select6 dotBraillecell ESC D Select8 dotBraillecell 7 3 Page numbering by ...

Page 25: ...ssingONLINEagain oratlowimpactlevelby pressingOFF LINEtocomparethevariationsbetweendifferenthammers 7 5 2 Factory setting Command group power TheembosserwillreloadallparametersettingsexceptoperatordefinedBraillecodes ThefactorysettingwillactivatesetupA To make a system reset press GROUP POWER ON Afterthesystemreset theembosserwillecho SETUP000 Index4X4PROready 7 5 3 Transport mode Command FormFeed...

Page 26: ...slowlyoutoftheembosser Ifthereshouldbeaproblemgettingthepaperoutofthe embosser use the FF key to toggle FF OFF ON When the paper is ejected press ON LINE to canceltheFFoperation 7 6 4 Failure 140 invalid setup command NotavalidcommandwhenselectingA BorCfromcomputer 7 6 5 Failure invalid setup value Ifthereisaaninvalidnumericvalueinthesetupfile theembosserwillechoi e FailitemBaudrate Value10 7 6 6 ...

Page 27: ...fthepaperqualityissuitableforthe4X4PRO checkthefollowingdetails a Thepaperisproperlycut Thereshouldbeasmoothandevensurfacewhenyoufeelwithyour fingeralongthecuttingedgeofthepaper b Never use separated fan fold paper The edges of this paper are very bad and can result in double feeding ornotfeedingatall c Thepapermustbeaclean withnoholesorperforationsonthesheet Holesandperforationare normallymadewit...

Page 28: ...ntrol lookatthefollowing Thedocumentguides greenplastic shouldbeinthecorrectposition especiallyiflightpaper isused Thenormallycorrectpositionisabout5mmfromthesideedgeofthepaper howeverit maybenecessarytoadjustthepositionslightlytowardsthecentrewithsomepaperqualities SomeBraillepapernotneedthedocumentguides Thenjustslidethemoutfromthepaperarea d Avoidlowhumiditylocations Ifthe4X4PROisusedinaroomwit...

Page 29: ...tem reset press GROUP POWER ON Afterthesystemreset theprinterwillecho SETUP000 4X4ready 9 4 3 Transport mode Command FormFeed powerOn Tofindthecorrectpositionfortheprintingheadinordertogetthetransportlockersontheirplaces presstheFormFeedkeywhileyoupoweruptheprinter Theprintingheadwillfindthecorrectcentre position andthenecho IndexEverestready Turntheprinteroffagainandinsertthelockersby pressingthe...

Page 30: ...nd Of Transmission Block CAN Cancel Line EM End Of Medium SUB Substitute even used as EOF End Of File ESC Escape FS File Separator GS Group Separator RS Record Separator US Unit Separator SP Space 10 ASCII table VT Vertical Tabulation FF Form Feed CR Carriage Return SO Shift Out SI Shift In DLE Data Link Escape DC1 Device Control 1 XON DC2 Device Control 2 DC3 Device control 3 XOFF DC4 Device cont...

Page 31: ...inthe frontofthestapler 2 Loadthedesiredstaplesintothestaplemagazineandcloseitbypushingitbackintothestapler 11 3 1 Staple sizes Includedwiththestapleryouwillfindasetofstaplesintwodifferentsizes 6and8mm DependingofthethickensofyourBraillepaper theselectionofstaplesizemayvary howeverthe standardrecommendationisthat6mmstaplescantobeusedfordocumentsupto30pagesandthe8 mmstaplescanbeusedfor60pagedocumen...

Page 32: ...erial communication 6 13 Serial communication cables 26 Setup 16 Setup commands 12 Sheet Card selector 27 Sheet feeder 27 software installation 19 Standard commands 9 Staple sizes 31 Stapler 31 Support CD 18 T The binding station 31 Transparent mode 25 Transport mode 25 29 U Unpacking 3 Upgrade mode 21 29 Use the stapler 31 V Value 12 WinBraille 18 23 Volume 16 Word wrap 16 Index A ASCII table 30 ...
