Index Braille
Index 4X4 PRO
Page 22
January 2000
Version 1.20
Software Installation from CD
There are several versions of the4X4PRO software available on this CD. The Windows compatible
version 8.20 is required to use the WinBraille system.
Compatible support software's are available on the CD in the 1.06 DOS version.
If you like to install a software without installing WinBraille continue from the main page of the CD,
browse to the Embosser software's page and click on the link for Index Embosser software's and
select version 1.20 for Windows or version 1.06 DOS. Finally, click on the installation link and the
process will start immediatly.
Note! The DOS version should be installed to the computer whilst running in Windows mode but the
program must run in pure DOS mode. Shut down the Windows and restart in DOS mode.
Support Software for Index 4X4
There is no support software implemented on the 4X4 PRO installation disk.
If you need to make adjustments in the settings of the embosser, e.g. hammer impact etc., install the
DOS version 1.06 that is available on the support CD.
A manual for that version is also available on the support CD.
Paper sensor calibration
If the printer fails to set the correct paper length in mm, the paper sensor sensibility need to be
Press Item + Power on. The printer will feed one sheet of paper and echo the estimated value of the
page length in mm, then it ask you to “give page length”. Give the correct length of the paper and set it
by using the 1 and 10 keys in the copy features. The upper key “1” increases 1 (+1) and the lower key
“10” decreases 1 (-1) for each keystroke. When you reached the matching value, press SETUP to
store it in the printer memory.
A new paper will now be fed into the printer, where a number of dots will be printed at the end of the
paper. The printer will echo the value of the maximum number of printed dots. Count the number of
dots and set it in the same way as you just did with the paper length. Press
to save.
Contininiue to set the pre-folding line.
Turn the printer ON. Press the "1" or "10" key once and then
the SETUP key
. A paper will be fed into the
printer, where a pre-folding line are printed. Check the position of the line by folding the paper and
make sure that the edges matches each other.
If the pre-folding line is not at the correct position, e.g. the first printed page is wider then the second,
then the value is to high. Decrease the value by using the 1 and 10 keys in the copy features. The upper
key “1” increases 1 (+1) and the lower key “10” decreases 1 (-1) for each keystroke. When you
reached the matching value, press SETUP to store it in the printer memory. (If the first printed page is
more narrow then the second, then the value is to low and must be increased.) When you press the 1
and 10 keys now, the spoken value will be in number of motor steps. Decrease it e.g. 5 steps and then
press the Setup key to make a new test printout. Check the position of the line by folding the paper and
make sure that the edges matches each other.
When the pre-folding line is correct, the printer is ready for use.