Changing Instrument Communication Settings - TROLL 9500 Only
1. Connect to the instrument using Win-Situ 4 software.
2. Right click the TROLL 9500 device in the tree on the left, and select Edit.
3. Select ASCII Mode Preferences, and click Next.
4. Select the following options:
Comma delimited
Enable ASCII mode of linear tests
5. Click Finish.
For the TROLL 9500 to function, you must set up a log and set the logging interval the
same as the Tube logging interval.
Setting Up a Log
The Tube logs data from instrument directly to the internal SD card. How and when the
data is recorded is configured using the Tube set up tool.
If you require data redundancy, program a log on your instrument prior to connecting it
to the Tube. Some instruments do not support logs.
Refer to your instrument manual for instructions on setting up a log.
Configuring the Telemetry Device
If you purchased a data plan through In-Situ, you need to open the unit and connect the
battery, and then set up the Tube using the configuration software.
If you are using a 3rd party data plan, you will need to install the SIM card prior to
setting up the Tube with the configuration software. See "SIM Card" on page 21.
Opening the Unit
1. Place the unit on a flat surface.
2. Remove the metal ring from the top of the unit.
3. Install the two eye bolts to the top of the Tube. Pull up on the eye bolts to remove the
interior housing.
Do not pull on the antenna or setup connector.