Wireless M-Bus Range Extender /
User Manual Version 1.0
Page 13 of 32
Wireless M-Bus Packet Filter
The firmware allows to define up to 32 Wireless M-Bus address filter items which should help to focus on those devices of interest during a
Wireless M-Bus capture phase. The header fields mentioned here are present in the data link layer fields of each Wireless M-Bus packet.
A single packet filter item consists of the following fields:
Manufacturer ID
Contains the 2 octet unique User/Manufacturer ID of the sender of a packet
Device ID
Containig the first 4 octets of the address field which carry a 32-Bit unique device address
Single octet, containing a version number
Single octet, containing the type of the sender e.g. E-meter, Gas-meter, ...
Filter Mask
Single octet, defines which of the given 8 octets of packet header must match exactly and which should be treated as "don't care"
Filter Set ID
Single octet (range 0 - 255), defines the filter set to which this filter item belongs, see also
The Filter Set ID of a calendar event item must match with the Filter Set ID of a filter item to enable the filter during a capture
The value 255 is reserved and means that a filter with this ID will be regarded in every Wireless M-Bus reception phase!