IMS IB462H Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 64



C o n f i g u r i n g   T h e   O S C - 4 6 2 H

U s i n g   t h e   C o n f i g u r a t i o n   U t i l i t y

The IMS Analog Speed Control Configuration Utility is an easy to install and
use software program. Use of this utility is required in order to configure the
OSC-462H. It is included on the CD that ships with the OSC-462H or is
available for download at

 This utility features the



Easy installation.


Ease of use via single screen interface.


Automatic communication configuration.


Will not allow out-of-range values to be set.


Tool-tips display valid range settings for each option.

I n s t a l l a t i o n

To install and use the configuration utility a Pentium class or higher PC running
Windows 98, NT 4.0 or 2000 is required. The installation procedure is:

1] Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive, the 3.5” CD will work in any

horizontally mounted tray type drive.

2] On the Start Menu, click, “Start>Run”.

3] Type the following into the text box: X:\OSC462\Setup.exe (Replace

the “X” with the letter which designates your CD-ROM drive).

4] Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

S t a r t - u p

Select “Start>Programs>Analog Speed Control>Analog Speed Control”. The
Configuration Utility will automatically scan your LPT ports for the connected
OSC-462H/IB462H assembly and configure communications.

Figure 2.2.9:OSC-462H Configuration Utility Screen

Summary of Contents for IB462H

Page 1: your excess underutilized and idle equipment along with credit for buybacks and trade ins Custom engineering so your equipment works exactly as you specify Critical and expedited services Leasing Rentals Demos In stock Ready to ship TAR certified secure asset solutions Expert team I Trust guarantee I 100 satisfaction All trademarks brand names and brands appearing herein are the property of th...

Page 2: ...HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROSTEPPING DRIVE FEATURING THE INT 462H INTERFACE BOARD AND THE OSC 462H VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL O P E R A T IN G IN S T R U C T IO N S 370 N MAIN ST PO BOX 457 MARLBOROUGH CT 06447 PH 860 295 6102 FAX 860 295 6107 Internet http www imshome com E Mail info imshome com ...

Page 3: ...ther does it convey any license under its patent rights of others Intelligent Motion Systems and are trademarks of Intelligent Motion Systems Inc Intelligent Motion Systems Inc s general policy does not recommend the use of it s products in life support or aircraft applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the product may directly threaten life or injury Per Intelligent Motion Systems Inc s...

Page 4: 15 Section 1 5 Power Supply Requirements 16 Section Overview 16 Selecting Power Supplies 16 Selecting a 5VDC Supply 18 Recommended Wiring 18 AC Line Filtering 19 Section 1 6 Motor Requirements 20 Section Overview 20 Selecting a Motor 20 Motor Wiring 23 Connecting the Motor 24 Section 1 7 Interfacing to the IB462H 27 Section Overview 27 Layout and Interface Guidelines 27 Motor Power 28 5 VDC Inp...

Page 5: ...agram 13 Figure 1 4 2 Normal Mode Phase Sequence 14 Figure 1 4 3 Wave Mode Phase Sequence 15 Figure 1 4 4 Half Step Mode Phase Sequence 15 Figure 1 4 5 Timing Diagram 15 Figure 1 6 1 Per Phase Winding Inductance 21 Figure 1 6 2 8 Lead Series Motor Configuration 24 Figure 1 6 3 8 Lead Parallel Motor Configuration 25 Figure 1 6 4 6 Lead Half Coil Motor Configuration 25 Figure 1 6 5 6 Lead Full Coil ...

Page 6: ...ectrical Specifications 9 Table 1 2 2 IB462H Thermal Specifications 9 Table 1 2 3 IB462H Pin Assignment and Description 10 Table 1 7 1 Current Adjust Reference Voltage Output Current 29 Table 2 1 1 INT 462 Pin Assignment and Description 40 Table 2 1 2 INT 462 Electrical Specifications 41 Table 2 1 3 INT 462 Thermal Specifications 41 Table 2 1 4 Current Adjust Resistor Values 43 Table 2 1 5 Jumper ...

Page 7: ...4 462 Page Intentionally Left Blank ...

Page 8: ... 2 H a r dw a r e S pe cif ica t ions S e c t ion 1 3 M ount ing S e c t ion 1 4 The or y of Ope r a t ion S e ct ion 1 5 P ow e r S upply R e quir e m e nt s S e c t ion 1 6 M ot or R e quir e m e nt s S e c t ion 1 7 I nt e r f a c ing S e c t ion 1 8 Tr ouble s hoot ing ...

Page 9: chipsets All contained in a package that minimizes expensive real estate The IB462H reduces time to market and increases reliability and comes with a 2 year warranty The IB462H represents affordable state of the art technology for the competitive edge needed in today s market M in ia t u r e P a c k a g e The IB462H packs a powerful 160 Watts into an area of 806 cu in H ig h C u r r e n t The I...

Page 10: ...g notes and warnings must be observed when handling or using the IB462H driver hybrid WARNING The IB462H and INT 462 components are sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge ESD All handling should be done at an ESD protected workstation WARNING Hazardous Voltage Levels may be present if using an open frame power supply to power the IB462H INT 462 WARNING Ensure that the Power Supply output voltage doe...

Page 11: ...IB462H It is broken down as follows Mechanical Specifications Electrical Specifications Thermal Specifications Pin Description M e c h a n ic a l S p e c if ic a t ion s NOTE Dot on lower left of label indicates the location of pin 1 0 113 2 87 1 895 48 13 2 120 53 85 0 113 2 87 0 585 14 86 0 020 0 51 R 0 125 R 3 18 Ø 0 150 Ø 3 81 0 270 6 86 0 079TYP 2 00TYP 0 020SQ PIN 0 51SQ PIN 1 169 29 69 0 18...

Page 12: ... c e p S l a c i r t c e l E H 2 6 4 B I n o i t a c i f i c e p S n o i t i d n o C t s e T n i M p y T x a M t i n U e g a t l o V t u p n I 2 1 0 4 V t n e r r u C t u p t u O e s a h P e s a h P r e P 2 A V t n e r r u C t n e c s e i u Q g n i t a o l F s t u p t u O 4 A m t u p n I V 5 t n e r r u C t n e c s e i u Q g n i t a o l F s t u p t u O 0 5 0 8 A m e g a t l o V t u p n I t s u j d...

Page 13: ...e g n i l l a f e h t 5 t u p n I C D V 5 t u p n i y l p p u s C D V 5 6 n o i t c e r i D t u p n i l o r t n o c n o i t c e r i d e s i w k c o l c r e t n u o c e s i w k c o l C e h t n o s d n e p e d n o i t a t o r r o t o m f o n o i t c e r i d l a c i s y h P d e z i n o r h c n y s y l l a n r e t n I s g n i d n i w r o t o m e h t f o n o i t c e n n o c 7 e l b a n E n i n e h W r ...

Page 14: ...ection 1 2 of this document for notes warnings and thermal specifications R e c o m m e n d e d S o l d e r i n g P r a c t i c e s Max Soldering Temp 300 C Max Soldering Time 10 sec Recommended Solder Recommended Cleaning Solvent Kester 245 No Clean Tech Spray Envirotech 1679 Alpha Metals Telecore Plus Chemtronics Flux off NR 2000 Multicore X39B No Clean Figure 1 3 1 PCB Hole Pad Pattern WARNING ...

Page 15: ...32 Threaded A B C Spacer Not Supplied HY462 CN021 Right Angle Adapter Receptacle TI 462H Isolating Thermal Pad Included IB462H Driver User PCB WARNING The Heat Sink mounting surface must be a smooth flat surface with no burrs protrusions cuttings or other foreign objects WARNING If you are planning to wash your PCB it must be done prior to adding the IB462H Driver or damage will occur A 6 32x0 625...

Page 16: ...nt phase currents which are adjustable in magnitude The principal function blocks are a translator which generates the motor phase sequences a dual PWM chopper circuit which regulates the current in Figure 1 4 1 IB462H Block Diagram TRANSLATOR DRIVE LOGIC 20kHz OSCILLATOR S R Q S R Q D Q C ENABLE PIN 7 HALF FULL STEP PIN 3 STEP CLOCK PIN 4 DIRECTION PIN 6 CURRENT ADJUST PIN 1 RESET PIN 2 PINS 19 2...

Page 17: ...stage consists of dual full bridge drivers The IB462H can be disabled by a logic LOW signal on the enable input Ultra fast recovery flyback rectifiers are used to improve efficiency and help reduce noise Ou t p u t W a ve S e q u e n c e s The IB462H generates phase sequences for normal wave and half step modes The state diagram and output waveforms are shown below In all modes the transition occu...

Page 18: ...t Figure 1 4 5 Timing Diagram 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 STEP CLOCK PHASE A PHASE B PHASE A PHASE B 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 STEP CLOCK PHASE A PHASE B PHASE A PHASE B Figure 1 4 3 Half Step Mode Phase Sequence T im in g tCLK tS tH tR tRCLK CLOCK CW CCW HALF FULL STEP RESET Parameter Minimum t Clock Time 0 5µs t Set up time 1µs t Hold Time 4µs CL C K S H t Reset to Clock Delay 3µs ...

Page 19: ... the rate of charge the voltage applied is increased When traveling at high speeds there is less time between steps to reach current The point where the rate of commutation does not allow the driver to reach full current is referred to as Voltage Mode Ideally you want to be in Current Mode which is when the drive is achieving the desired current between steps Simply stated a higher voltage will de...

Page 20: ...output voltage which is good for high speed performance They are also not bothered by line fluctuations however they are more expensive Depending on the current regulation a regulated supply may crowbar or current clamp and lead to an oscillation that as previously stated can cause damage to the driver and or supply Back EMF can cause problems for regulated supplies as well The current regeneratio...

Page 21: ...acturing your own interface for the IB462H you will need to supply 5VDC to power the logic circuitry inside the hybrid Section 1 7 Interfacing to the IB462H will contain PCB layout guidelines and precise details on powering 5VDC R e c om m e n d e d W ir in g R u l e s o f W i r i n g a n d S h i e l d i n g Noise is always present in a system that involves high power and small signal circuitry Re...

Page 22: ...o w e r S u p p l y C a b l e s Power supply cables must not run parallel to logic level wiring as noise will be coupled onto the logic signals from the power supply cables If more than one driver is to be connected to the same power supply run separate power and ground leads to each driver from the power supply The following Belden cables or equivalent are recommended for use with the IB462H Beld...

Page 23: ...lf Full step settings of your IB462H drive T y p e s a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n o f S t e p p i n g M o t o r s The stepping motor while classed as a DC motor is actually an AC motor that is operated by trains of pulses Though it is called a stepping motor it is in reality a Polyphase Synchronous Motor This means it has multiple phases wound in the stator and the rotor is dragged along in synch...

Page 24: inductance In order to avoid this situation it is necessary to choose a motor with a low winding inductance The lower the winding inductance the higher the step rate possible W in d in g I n d u c t a n c e Since the IB462H is a constant current source it is not necessary to use a motor that is rated at the same voltage as the supply voltage What is impor tant is that the IB462H is set to the m...

Page 25: ...o play at this point The winding inductance of a motor is rated in milliHenrys mH per Phase The amount of inductance will depend on the wiring configuration of the motor The per phase winding inductance specified may be different than the per phase inductance seen by your IB462H driver depending on the wiring configuration used Your calculations must allow for the actual inductance that the driver...

Page 26: ...e currents up to 3 Amps in series or 6 Amps parallel and holding torque ranges from 95 oz in to 230 oz in 67 N cm to 162 N cm 23 Frame Enhanced Motors Single Shaft Double Shaft MH 2218 S MH 2218 D MH 2222 S MH 2222 D MH 2231 S MH 2231 D M ot or W ir in g As with the power supply wiring motor wiring should be run separately from logic wiring to minimize noise coupled onto the logic signals Motor ca...

Page 27: ...ance the performance will start to degrade at higher speeds Con n e c t in g t h e M ot or The motor leads are connected to the following connector pins I B 4 6 2 H Phase Connector Pin Phase B 9 10 Phase B 11 12 Phase A 17 18 Phase A 19 20 WARNING Do not connect or disconnect motor or power leads with power applied NOTE The physical direction of the motor with respect to the direction input will d...

Page 28: ... uses one half of the motor s inductor windings The higher torque configuration or full coil uses the full windings of the phases H a l f C o il C o n f ig u r a t io n As previously stated the half coil configuration uses 50 of the motor phase windings This gives lower inductance hence lower torque output As with the parallel connection of 8 lead motor the torque output will be more stable at hig...

Page 29: C o n f ig u r a t io n The full coil configuration on a six lead motor should be used in applications where higher torque at lower speeds is desired This configuration is also referred to as full copper Figure 1 6 5 6 Lead Full Coil Higher Torque Motor Configuration PHASE A PHASE A PHASE A PHASE A NO CONNECTION PHASE B PHASE B PHASE B PHASE B NO CONNECTION PHASE A PHASE A PHASE A PHASE A PHASE...

Page 30: ...tion and unreliable system operation Motor phase signals should be run as pairs and should be separated from other signals by ground traces where possible When leaving the board motor cables should not run parallel with other wires Phases should be wired as using twisted pairs If motor cabling in excess of one foot is required motor cabling should be shielded twisted pairs to reduce the transmissi...

Page 31: ...should be approximately 150µF for every amp of peak per phase output current 2 A 0 1 microfarad ceramic capacitor must be used to filter out high fre quency noise It should be located between the IB462H s motor power input pins and the aluminum electrolytic capacitor The continuous operating voltage of the capacitor should exceed the maximum supply voltage as well as any additional voltage caused ...

Page 32: ...u s t I n p u t The output current of the IB462H is controlled by applying a voltage to pin 1 of the hybrid The output current is set as follows Below is a table illustrating the Current Adjust reference voltage to output current relationship Figure 1 7 2 illustrates a voltage divider circuit that can be used to set the current adjust EXAMPLE Per Phase Output Current 2 X Voltage applied to Pin 1 V...

Page 33: ... drive heating in your system The amount of current reduced will depend upon the value of the Reduction Adjust Resistor RRed and the value of the Current Adjust Resistor RAdj The Current will be reduced 200 msec after the rising edge of the last Step Clock Pulse The values of RRed and RAdj are calculated as follows Figure 1 7 2 Current Adjust Reduction Circuit IRun is the desired running current R...

Page 34: ...en collector output is recommended I n t e r f a c in g t h e S e n s e A B Ou t p u t s These outputs located on pins 8 Sense B and 21 Sense A allow monitoring of the output current waveform They can be compared with a user defined trip reference signal for the purpose of per phase over current protection Figure 7 4 below illustrates a circuit that can be used to accomplish this Figure 1 7 4 Over...

Page 35: ... the IB462H Figure 1 7 5 Minimum Required Connections Direction Input Current Adjustment Voltage 0 1 0V Step Clock Input Phase B Phase A Phase B Phase A 0 1µF 100V 150µF for each Amp Peak Output Current 60V Electrolytic 5 V 22µF 10V Tantalum MOTOR SUPPLY LOGIC SUPPLY V GND GND 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ...

Page 36: ...that make up your system and verify that they operate independently It is important to document each step in the troubleshooting process You may need this documentation to refer back to at a later date or these details will greatly assist one of our application engineers in determining the problem should you need assistance Many of the problems that effect motion control systems can be traced to e...

Page 37: ... b l e P r o b l e m Motor power wiring unshielded or not twisted pair Logic wiring next to motor power wiring Ground loop in system Opto isolation defeated by powering optos with motor supply Open winding of motor Phase blown on drive S ym p t o m Motor stalls during acceleration P o s s i b l e P r o b l e m Incorrect current adjust setting or resistor value Motor is undersized for application A...

Page 38: ...2 or by fax at 860 295 6107 Be prepared to answer the following questions What is the application In detail how is the system configured What is the system environment Temperature humidity exposure to chemical vapors etc What external equipment is the system interfaced to Current set too high S ym p t o m Inadequate holding torque P o s s i b l e P r o b l e m Incorrect current adjust setting or r...

Page 39: ...mer Service Fill out the Reported Problem field in detail on the RMA form that Customer Service will fax you Enclose the product being returned and the RMA form in the box Package product in its original container if possible If original packaging is unavailable ensure that the product is enclosed in approved antistatic packing material Write the RMA Number on the box The normal repair lead time i...

Page 40: ...37 462 Op t ion s A n d A c c e s s or ie s Part II S e c t ion 2 1 I N T 4 6 2 S e c t ion 2 2 OS C 4 6 2 H ...

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Page 42: ...oard adds the tools needed for rapid prototyping and product evaluation by eliminating the need of laying out and testing a PC board This interface features the following On board 5VDC supply Fault output Optical isolation for logic inputs Resistor programmable current adjust reduction circuitry Over current protection Power and fault LEDs Pluggable screw terminal interface Input capacitor M e c h...

Page 43: ... i w d e t c e n n o c s i d t u p n i t u p n i e h t g n i k n i s y b d e l b a s i d e r a s t u p t u o 1 1 t e s e R c i g o l A t u p n i t e s e r r e v i r d W O L e v i t c a d e t a l o s i y l l a c i t p O H 2 6 4 B I e h t t e s e r l l i w t u p n i s i h t n o e s l u p W O L 2 1 t u p t u O t l u a F l l i w t u p t u o r o t c e l l o c n e p o s i h T t u p t u o t l u a f W O L...

Page 44: ...trical Specifications T h e r m a l S p e c if ic a t ion s The following thermal information is repeated from Section 1 2 of the IB462H portion of this document s n o i t a c i f i c e p S l a m r e h T H 2 6 4 B I n o i t a c i f i c e p S t i n U e r u t a r e p m e T t n e i b m A C 0 5 o t 0 e r u t a r e p m e T e g a r o t S C 5 2 1 o t 0 4 e r u t a r e p m e T e t a l P m u m i x a M C 0 ...

Page 45: recommended specifications as found in Section 1 5 Power Supply Requirements of this document The power supply ground will be connected to Pin 1 GND and the DC output to Pin 2 V See the Minimum Required Connections figure in this appendix for a connection diagram Figure 2 1 2 Mounting the INT 462 A B C A B C 6 32 or M3 5 Threaded Screw 6 or M3 5 Split Lock Washer 6 or M 3 5 Flat Lock Washer 6 3...

Page 46: ... h e O u t p u t C u r r e n t The INT 462 uses a 1mA current source to provide a reference level to the current adjust pin Pin 1 of the IB462H driver To control the output curent a resistor is placed between Pins 13 and 14 of the interface board Connection of this resistor is essential for the IB462H INT 462 to operate The recommended resistor type is 1 8W 1 Table 2 1 4 shows the standard 1 resis...

Page 47: ...ngs will be reduced to a holding current specified by the resistor value used The value of this resistor is calculated using the equation shown below If this method of reducing current in the motor windings is used JP3 see figure 2 1 3 will have the shunt positioned between pins 1 and 2 factory default Table 2 1 5 Jumper JP3 Shunt Placement Options 1 1 2 2 3 3 JP3 ENOFF Current Reduction by Resist...

Page 48: ...2 and 3 Ensure that a current reduction adjust resistor is not connected as this will cause erratic operation WARNING When using the ENON mode of disabling the outputs following a move the current reduction resistor MUST NOT be used or the driver will operate erratically Current Reduction Adust Resistor See Equation A 1 Output Current Adjustment Resistor See Table A 4 Ensure that the current and r...

Page 49: ...rom the IMS LYNX to a variety of PLCs These inputs may be powered using one of two methods An external 5 to 24 VDC power supply or by using the on board 5 volts See Table 2 1 2 of this appendix for input electrical specifications Ext e r n a l 5 t o 2 4 V D C S u p p l y In order to take advantage of the built in optical isolation of the logic inputs the opto couplers must be powered by an externa...

Page 50: if this method is used optical isolation is defeated and any electrical noise on the logic inputs will be coupled onto the driver output i e noise on the step clock input will cause the motor to run rough Figure 2 1 5 Powering the Opto couplers using the On board 5 VDC 1 1 2 2 3 3 JP2 Opto couplers Powered By External 5 To 24 VDC Opto couplers Powered By On board 5 VDC Position Mode Table 2 1 6...

Page 51: ...462H If a phase to ground fault is detected the driver will set the fault output and the red LED will illuminate In order to clear a fault condition the power must be cycled or the RESET input toggled F a u l t Ou t p u t The INT 462 buffers the fault output signal through an open drain N channel FET The signal at the terminal strip is inverted thus it is active when in a logic LOW state See Table...

Page 52: ...orrect value A fault condition can only be cleared by cycling power or toggling the RESET input at Pin 11 of the terminal strip M i n i m u m R e q u i r e d C o n n e c t i o n s Figure 2 1 7 illustrates the connections required to operate the INT 462 IB462H Interface board driver combination Figure 2 1 7 Minimum Required Connections Direction Step Clock A B B A Output Current Adjustment Resistor...

Page 53: ... range of 0 60 kilohertz The output frequency of the oscillator will vary with the level of the 0 to 5 volt speed control input The speed control board has 10 setup parameters which are configured using an included software utility This utility enables the user to communicate to the OSC 462H via its Serial Peripheral Interface SPI to set up the operational parameters The OSC 462H is powered by a s...

Page 54: ...header P3 and your PC parallel port The OSC 462H allows for a simple cost effective solution in applications requiring variable velocity or joystick control The OSC 462H features Digital oscillator for accurate speed control Low cost Extremely compact 2 54 x 1 69 x 1 02 inches 64 x 43 x 26 mm May be configured for Joystick and Velocity operation 0 to 5 VDC speed control input Step clock direction ...

Page 55: ...n I l e v e L h g i H e l b a n E 5 8 3 5 5 V e c n a t s i s e R p u l l u P t u p n I d n a n o i t c e r i D t r a t S p o t S k c o l C p e t S 5 3 0 2 1 kΩ e c n a t s i s e R p u l l u P t u p n I e l b a n E 9 9 4 kΩ e g a t l o V e c r u o S n i a r D t u p t u O k c o l C p e t S d n a n o i t c e r i D s t u p t u O 0 8 V t n e r r u C n i a r D t u p t u O k c o l C p e t S d n a n o i ...

Page 56: ... e s a h P 7 t u p t u O C D V 5 k 0 1 t u p t u o C D V 5 Ω d n e l a n g i s r e t e m o i t n e t o p 8 d n u o r G c i g o L k 0 1 d n u o r G V 5 Ω d n e d n u o r g r e t e m o i t n e t o p 9 t u p n I l o r t n o C d e e p S k 0 1 t u p n i l o r t n o c y t i c o l e v C D V 5 o t 0 Ω r e t e m o i t n e t o p r e p i w 0 1 t u p n I e l b a n E t u p n i e l b a n e r e v i r d H G I H e...

Page 57: ...nfiguration Table 2 2 4 Connector P3 Pin Assignment and Description NOTE See IB462H Operating Instructions for IB462H pin configuration and specifications M ou n t in g t h e OS C 4 6 2 H The OSC 462H IB462H must be mounted to a heat sink in order to maintain a rear plate temperature of less than 70 C on the IB462H driver The first installation step is to insert your IB462H into the OSC 462H P2 co...

Page 58: ...Figure 2 2 5 Mounting the IB462H OSC 462H Assembly Figure 2 2 4 Inserting the IB462H into the OSC 462H 6 Stainless Machine Screw 6 Stainless Lock Washer TI 462H Thermal Pad ESSENTIAL 6 X 32 Tapped 2 PL Heat Sink 6 Stainless Flat Washer IB462H Driver OSC 462H NOTE The 6 Mounting Screw Torque is 5 0 to 7 0 lb in 0 6 to 0 8 N m WARNING The Heat Sink mounting surface must be smooth flat and free from ...

Page 59: ... n s The SPI communications connector uses a 10 pin IDC header The recom mended method of connecting to this connector is the Parameter Setup Cable MX CC300 000 P ow e r a n d M ot or C on n e c t ion a n d S p e c if ic a t ion s M o t o r P o w e r Gr o u n d V P in 3 GN D P in 4 Motor power for the OSC 462H IB462H assembly will have the same recommended specifications as found in Section 1 5 Po...

Page 60: ...the speed control input can be connected directly to the 5VDC output and the desired velocity set using the VM parameter When at 0 volts DB value of the potentiometer deadband parameter the step clock frequency will be at the value specified by the initial velocity VI parameter When at FS the value specified by the full scale parameter it will be at the value specified by the maximum velocity VM p...

Page 61: ...te The Direction input will function normally D ir e c t io n P in 1 2 The CW CCW direction input is internally pulled up to 5VDC through a 4 99kΩ resistor This input may be connected by means of a switch between the input Pin 12 and logic ground Pin 8 or a sinking output S t a r t P in 1 3 The Stop Start input is internally pulled up to 5VDC through a 4 99kΩ resistor When in a logic HIGH or disco...

Page 62: ... e r d n u o r g y l p p u s r e w o P 5 B e s a h P r o t o m g n i p p e t s e h t f o B e s a h P 6 B e s a h P r o t o m g n i p p e t s e h t f o B e s a h P 7 t u p t u O C D V 5 k 0 1 t u p t u o C D V 5 Ω d n e l a n g i s r e t e m o i t n e t o p 8 d n u o r G c i g o L k 0 1 d n u o r g V 5 Ω d n e d n u o r g r e t e m o i t n e t o p 9 t u p n I l o r t n o C d e e p S k 0 1 t u p n i...

Page 63: ...ter 5VDC Output Logic Ground Analog Input ØA ØA ØB ØB Power Supply V V GND Direction Start Stepping Motor PIN 4 CS GND PIN 5 MOSI PIN 7 PIN 8 CLOCK PIN 10 MISO 2 3 4 15 19 DB 25 Standard PC Parallel Port Figure 2 2 8 IB462H OSC 462H Minimum Connections ...

Page 64: ...ings for each option I n s t a l l a t io n To install and use the configuration utility a Pentium class or higher PC running Windows 98 NT 4 0 or 2000 is required The installation procedure is 1 Place the CD in your CD ROM drive the 3 5 CD will work in any horizontally mounted tray type drive 2 On the Start Menu click Start Run 3 Type the following into the text box X OSC462 Setup exe Replace the...

Page 65: ... position Any NOTE It is only possible to configure the OSC 462H when the Start input is in the Stopped state The connection status and port are displayed at the bottom of the configura tion screen See Figure 2 2 8 s r e t e m a r a P H 2 6 4 C S O r e t e m a r a P n o i t c n u F e g n a R s t i n U t l u a f e D L C C A n o i t a r e l e c e D n o i t a r e l e c c A 0 0 0 5 6 0 0 0 2 c e s s p...

Page 66: ...e the min max range of the speed control input is 0 to 1023 counts 0 005 to 4 995 volts 0 counts no motion 1023 counts max velocity or VM the user has the option of setting the full scale to a different value For instance setting FS 500 counts 2 411 volts will cause the OSC 462 s oscillator to output the appropriate step clock frequency set for VM when the voltage on the speed control input is 2 4...

Page 67: ... maximum velocity of the controlled axis in steps per second The setting of this parameter represents the highest speed that the motor will turn This is the velocity of the axis when the voltage on the speed control input 5V The valid setting for VM is dependent on the RANGE setting S e t t in g t h e Con f ig u r a t ion P a r a m e t e r s In order to follow the procedures set forth in this subs...

Page 68: either counts or volts The displayed value is changed by clicking the Cts to the right of the parameter s text box It may be changed from volts back to counts by clicking volts If the motor oscillates between frequencies increase the potentiometer deadband DB If desired these may be changed For example Setting the FS parameter to 511 would configure the OSC 462H such that it will be at maximum ...

Page 69: two directions The following steps outline the joystick calibration procedures 1 With the joystick in the center position click Analog Initialize on the menu bar 2 Move the joystick to its full scale position first in the max direction then in the min direction Re center the joystick 3 Click the Accept button 4 Set the other parameters to the desired value 5 Click the Set button to save the par...

Page 70: ... with TTL or sinking NPN outputs The OSC 462H responds to step clock and direction inputs when the Start input is left N C This same configuration applies if the OSC 462H is being used as a joystick interface The joystick connects the same as the potentiometer LYNX Control Module DC Power Supply OSC 462H VDC GND VDC V PWR GND DIR IN SCLK IN GND DIR SCLK P1 3 P1 4 P1 12 P1 11 P2 2 P2 4 P1 7 P1 8 P1...

Page 71: ...ected in this fashion the secondary driver will follow the primary drive the IB462H 5 VDC Power Supply OSC 462H IB Series Driver with OPT 140 Mounted VDC GND 5VDC Logic GND SCLK IN CW CCW GND Step Clock Output Direction Output Pin 7 Pin 2 Pin 5 Pin 6 P1 15 P1 14 P1 7 P1 8 P1 9 5 VDC Out Logic GND Speed Input 10 k Pot Start Input P1 13 Line Neutral SPST Switch Enable Pin 1 H F Connect H F input for...

Page 72: ... pay for return of products to customer However customer shall pay all shipping charges duties and taxes for products returned to IMS from another country W ARRAN TY LIM ITATION S IMS makes no other warranty either expressed or implied with respect to the product IMS specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose Some jurisdictions do not allo...

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