Bimba Model PCS Pneumatic Control System
Learn how to:
Recognize the components required for a PCS system.
Understand how the PCS components are interconnected.
Be able to adjust Zero, Span, Deadband, Decel.
Understand basic PCS operation.
Components required for a complete closed loop system:
PCS electro-pneumatic controller (includes valves).
PFC, PFCN, PTF, or PTFN cylinder.
Air supply (70-80 psi required for proper operation).
24 VDC fixed for PCS (regulated and filtered).
0-10 VDC variable control voltage (clean, stable, noise free).
DPM panel meter (for direct positioning readout).
120 VAC line power for DPM if used.
Technical Tips
PCS-PFC Quick Set-up Instructions
The information presented is in Bimba’s best engineering opinion and should be used for reference only. Recommendations derived should be verified under actual operating
conditions. Bimba reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
Bimba Manufacturing
Telephone: 708.534.8544
Email: [email protected]
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Leaders in Actuation.