Scan Test Targets
The scanner has a function for scanning specific test targets. If one of the test targets is
scanned, all image parameters are set to a known state to enable a remote system to
analyze the quality of the scanner. One or more CSTT test targets are included in the
initial scanner shipment. They are used to troubleshoot various types of image quality
problems. Any time Image Access support is contacted, you will be asked to provide a
test scan of the CSTT target.
Image Access is the first vendor that has established a portal with an Image Quality
Server online 24 hours at 7 days a week. The Image Quality Server can be reached at
. The server automatically analyzes color tracking, white and
black points, geometric distortions, resolution and many more parameters and displays
them in an easy to understand form. A time stamped certificate can be printed out to
document the scanner’s quality level at any given time.
Scan CSTT Test Target
Locate the section
Adjustments & Support
, go to Scan Test Targets and click the
button Scan CSTT Test Target .
Picture 77: Scan Test Target screen
Place the CSTT test targets on the scanner as displayed.
Picture 78: CSTT Test Target screen
Press the Next Step button and follow the instructions.
Setup and Assembly Manual
Page 67