iM3 42-12
iM3 Inc
Veterinary Dental Scaler
Instruction Manual
The 42-
12 is a „State of the Art‟ Scaler. The unique Titanium Scaler tips, high
operating frequency (42,000Hz), with their circular tip movement, (with a very
small amplitude 0.01
– 0.02mm), produces a truly unique instrument. It not
only scales in half the time of conventional “Jack Hammer” scalers, but also
produces less enamel damage due to its circular tip movement. It can also
scale sub-gingival pockets safely to a depth of 12mm
– hence the name 42-
iM3 Inc.
iM3 Pty Ltd (Australia)
12119 NE 99
9/31-33 Chaplin Drive
Suite 2060
Lane Cove N.S.W. 2066
Vancouver, WA 98682
Sydney, Australia
U.S.A Tel (02) 9420 5766
Web: www.im3vet.com