IIkkeelliittee M
Maannuuaall FFooccuuss PPoorrtt
EExxtteennssiioonn #
#55551100 ..7755
f o r
Nikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrm
Thank you for purchasing an Ikelite Manual Focus Port Extension.
This Port Extension is ONLY compatible with the following lenses:
- Nikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED
- Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
- Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
IKELITE #0184.1
Silicone Lube
Focus Extension
Module with
Nikon “N” Spacer
Ikelite Lube
Canon Spacer
Allen Wrench
The Port Extension comes assembled and ready for installation
between a port body module and flat port module for use with the
Nikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED lens. If using a
Canon lens, you must change the Port Extension Control Spacer
(page 3).
FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee’’ss CCoonnttrrooll KKnnoobb
Due to the larger diameter of the Nikon VR lens, the Control
Spacer is longer to obtain the proper control length. The Focus
Extension Module comes assembled with the Nikon Control Spacer
Assembled for
Nikon VR Lens
PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee ffoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
The extension o-ring comes from the factory clean and lightly
lubricated. It should not be necessary to remove the o-ring,
however we recommend applying a light coating of lubricant, just
enough to make if feel slick. Remove any excess lubricant as it can
collect foreign particles which can interfere with sealing.
If it becomes necessary to remove the o-ring from it’s groove, use a
non-sharp instrument such as a small flat bladed screwdriver. O-
rings can be cleaned with fresh water. To lubricate the o-ring, put a
small amount of lubricant on your finger tips and draw the o-ring
through your fingers. Use only a
small amount of lubricant. When
drawing the o-ring through your
fingers do not stretch the o-ring.
On the inside of the Extension
Ring just below the internal
threads is a flat sealing surface.
This sealing surface is where the
o-ring on the Port Body will seal
when they are screwed together.
Make sure it is clean.
Maakkee ssuurree aallll tthhrreeaaddss aanndd sseeaalliinngg ssuurrffaacceess aarree cclleeaann bbeeffoorree
iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. U
Ussee aa Q
Q--ttiipp aanndd ffrreesshh w
waatteerr ttoo cclleeaann iiff nneecceessssaarryy..
FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee iiss nnoott ttoo bbee uusseedd w
wiitthh SSuuppeerr--W
Wiiddee PPoorrtt
BBooddyy #
#55551100..1100 oorr #
Control spacers are
marked on the end
with N for Nikon and
C-L for Canon
allen screw
Control Spacer
CChhaannggiinngg tthhee PPoorrtt EExxtteennssiioonn CCoonnttrrooll SSppaacceerr
The Canon lens is smaller in diameter requiring the shorter Control
Spacer be installed between the port body and knob.
To install the optional Canon Control Spacer, use the supplied allen
wrench to loosen the knob allen screw. Remove the knob and
Nikon Control Spacer. Install the Canon Control Spacer, remount
the knob, and tighten the allen screw. Note there is a flat on the
control shaft against which the allen screw should tighten.
OTTEE:: There are two Canon Macro lenses that can be used with
this port extension. When using the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
USM (NOT the newer “L” IS version), install the supplied washer
between the knob and “C-L” control spacer.
FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee’’ss CCoonnttrrooll KKnnoobb
When using the Focus knob above water, inward pressure will have
to be applied to the knob to rotate the focus barrel on the lens.
Focus Extension Module
Assembled for
Canon Lens
Focus Extension Module
When using the #5510.75 Port Extension, both Canon lenses must
be used with the #5510.16 port body only, otherwise the Focus
Extension Control will not line up properly in relation to the lens
focus ring. The Nikon VR lens will align properly when used with
either port body #5510.16 or #5510.22.
Focus Extension