Draco tera flex
The following terms are commonly used in this manual or in video and KVM technology.
Auto Disconnect
Matrix function that allows an automatic disconnect between a CON Device and
a CPU Device, if the OSD is opened via this CON Device.
Auto Logout
Matrix function that describes the duration of inactivity after the user has been
logged out from the OSD at this CON Device.
Cat X
Any Cat 5e (Cat 6, Cat 7) cable
CON Device
Logical term that summarizes several physical extender modules to switch more
complex sink systems via matrix.
CON Timeout
Matrix function that allows an automatic disconnect of the own CON Device from
the connected CPU Device after a predefined time.
CON Unit
Component of a KVM Extender or Media Extender to connect to the console
(monitor(s), keyboard, and mouse; optionally also with USB 2.0 devices)
Keyboard, video, and mouse
Console ACL
Console Access Control List is a list that shows the respective switching rights
for the various CON Devices.
CPU Auto Connect
Matrix function that allows an automatic connection establishment between the
own CON Device and a random CPU Device that is available.
CPU Device
Logical term that summarizes several physical extender modules to switch more
complex source systems via matrix.
CPU Timeout
Matrix function that allows the user to disconnect after a predefined period of
inactivity from the respective CPU Device.
Dual Access
A system to operate a source (computer, CPU) from two sinks (consoles)
A system with two video connections
EXT Unit
Unit to manage an extender module physically connected to the matrix via direct
cable connection. Add-on modules, if applicable, are included in the EXT Unit of
the respective extender module. Dual-Head extender module will be managed
as two independent EXT Units.
Single-mode or multi-mode fiber cables
Force Connect
Matrix function that allows to switch with the own CON Device to a CPU Device
that is already used and in doing so to take keyboard and mouse control. The
connected CON Device so far loses K/M control but keeps video control.
Force Disconnect
Matrix function that allows to switch with the own CON Device to a CPU Device
that is already used and in doing so to take KVM control. The connected CON
Device so far loses complete KVM control.
Keyboard, video, and mouse
Keyboard Connect
Matrix function that allows taking over the keyboard control of an inactive CON
Macro Keys
Programmable keys that can execute a stringing together of commands to the
Mouse Connect
Matrix function that allows taking the mouse control of an inactive CON Device.
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is measured in power-on hours.
multi-mode fiber cable