Ihagee Parvola Instructions For Using Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Parvola

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Page 2: ...ING IhogeePorvolo Comero i for Roll Film l X ltl 3X4 cml 2 lzXl le X6 5 cr1 ond lhogeeTwin Size Porvolo l X l14 t 3X4 cm 2 lzXl ll 4X6 5 c nr on roll film or 2 X lsl4 4 5X6 cm on glossplotes I DRESDEN...

Page 3: ...ht lndex finger the button o in the direclion of lhe arrow lhal is to the left and lift of the badrfrom the ci era wilh lhe atd of the lefl index finger Place lhe roll fitm wiitr ttre prinled_si e up...

Page 4: ...Wer window After exposure of lhis film porlion keepturning again until number 2 appears in lhe Upper window and proceed in lhe same manner as described unlil the 16th exposurc has been made The ingeni...

Page 5: ...equlf to o mm and in lhe 15 sx l1lt size lo 5o mm so lhal wit n focussedfor infinity a cameraof lhe firsf menlionedsizewlll sharplyreproduce everyt ing beyond a dislance of about 15 yards and lhe olhe...

Page 6: ...lhe desired view ls securedin the finder lhe shutrer can be released Ghonging the film Make it a habit lo lurn the film key b afler eadr exposure in lhe direclion of the arrow unlil the nexl number ap...

Page 7: ...d If tt is inlended lo lake a piclure in whidr an obiect in lhe foreground and the badrground with houses moun lalng lrees c appear equally sharp a stop is needed By means of a small lever menlloned I...

Page 8: ...on the film should thc n be followid whcn roll fflm lr ured tn lhe comera the foculli i aii occr morked tn whlle on lhe rcale murt be ured Fxposures on plotes when uslng plales lhe mask inslde lhe ca...

Page 9: ...l llme cxporurer sel lhe lever to B If the release ts presseddown now the shutter wtll open bul close again as soon as lhe pressure ccascsso lhal both very shorl or tong exposurcs can be made Yh l _ma...

Page 10: ...dr closes only afier a second piressure so lhal lime exposurcs of unlimiled duralion can be made For rhorl lime cxporurer sel the disc wirh the red mark lo B A slight pressure applied to the shuiler w...

Page 11: ...ond additional selling whereby the delayed acfion release is sef However lhe builon F is found oniy on shullers provided wilh aulomaric release Shullers ladring thiiJevice conlain all lhe parls descri...

Page 12: ...e speeds by setling belween two figures for example belween 1 6s and 1 s6 rlzr sec No inlermediaie speeds are possible belween r sg and maximum speed tlzw tlzw t aoo or belween B and I second For maxi...

Page 13: ...F lhe lime of exposure Exomplc To make an cxposure al 11 o clo A M in May of a slreel of medlum wtdlh at sltghtly clouded sky on a normally sensttlve film of S OfN al a diaphraglm openlng of F 8 one...

Page 14: ...r l f s E l I i g l f o o l l l r E 6 l rl l r l l l 00 ro It GI tl Ex E E 6 o 6l q0 ErE ETE o u F E Fl tal T E s a o c b Ei t L o b i 1 S r E l u 2 l o o l l El I ril l l G lt t E 9 trrt o z o tr at...

Page 15: ...E o L t o g x r a lr o I a I n t o ci k o tl 1 l f a li t o o tu il F 1 9 I R l e cl I o r l o I 6 l o o F i l o I r o l o cl l a l o I l o rt f l e I e l l c ro r l O I o t o 0o o z a o L 3 rF L o c...

Page 16: ...he var i ous mark in s re sef oppos ite tlrr mark s by revolvin the 4tlled rin t ff neces sary adjustnent is p6ssible betveen the tlnes ind icated e 6 betieQ h 1 SO and l lO0 sec 3 1 75 sec ff absolut...
