Doc Ref: SL-065 v1.2 pg 11
Sample time is the period in seconds that the system runs for before either:
Running an auto zero
Running an auto calibration (Oxygen samplers)
Turning pump off for 10s for the system to check ambient pressure **
Protect Mode
Gas reading is withing Min to Max Protection
Sample pump is turned off and the zero air
pump is turned on for the sample time
seconds set for the zero pump.
At the end of that period the zero pump is
turned off and the sample pump turned back
on. The system does not start updating the
gas readings until the sample pump purge
time expires.
Note 1.
Most detectors can be set to auto zero.
Ensure either an appropriate scrubber is
fitted to the zero port or the zero port is
tubed away to a ‘clean air’ location. Do
not exceed 20M of tubing.
Note 2.
Oxygen detectors are normally expected
to read 20.9% and so in their case the
sampler can be set to auto-calibrate on
air drawn from a ‘safe’ location. This
could be the sampler location if the
sampler is drawing for example from
another room via its sample tubing.
Alternately the zero port could be tubed
away to a ‘clean air’ location
Note there are selections mentioned
against both the sample and zero
pumps, ensure correct pump is
Setup Auto Zero/Calibration and Purge Settings
Any changes to Settings
Must be Stored