10.5 User settings (optional)
10.5.1 Standard unit of measurement for volumetric flow
Select [Uni] and set the unit of measurement�
The setting only has an effect on the volumetric flow value� The
consumed quantity (meter reading) is automatically displayed in the
unit of measurement providing the highest accuracy�
Menu CFG:
10.5.2 Standard display
Select [SELd] and define the standard unit of measurement
FLOW = display shows the current volumetric flow value in the standard
unit of measurement�TOTL = display shows the current meter reading in
the unit providing the highest accuracy�
TEMP = the display shows the current medium temperature in °C / F°�
Select [diS] and set the update rate and orientation of the display:
d1 = update of the measured values every 50 ms�
d2 = update of the measured values every 200 ms�
d3 = update of the measured values every 600 ms�
rd1, rd2, rd3 = display like d1, d2, d3; rotated by 180°�
OFF = the display is switched off in the operating mode� The LEDs
remain active even if the display is deactivated� Error messages are
displayed even if the display is deactivated�
Menu CFG:
10.5.3 Direction of flow
Select [Fdir] and set the direction of flow:
+ = flow in the direction of the flow arrow (= factory setting)
– = flow against the flow arrow ► label over the arrow
Menu CFG:
10.5.4 Output logic
Select [P-n] and set PnP or nPn�
Menu CFG:
10.5.5 Start-up delay
Select [dST] and set the numerical value in seconds�
Menu CFG: