4.4 IO-Link
4.4.1 General information
This device has an IO-Link communication interface which requires an IO-Link
capable module (IO-Link master) for operation�
The IO-Link interface enables direct access to the process and diagnostic data
and provides the possibility to set the parameters of the unit during operation�
In addition communication is possible via a point-to-point connection with a USB
adapter cable�
The IODDs necessary for the configuration of the unit, detailed information about
process data structure, diagnostic information, parameter addresses and the
necessary information about the required IO-Link hardware and software can be
found at www�ifm�com�
4.4.2 Functions only available via IO-Link communication
• HIPC: number of overload processes
• HIPS: threshold for the overload counter
• Flash on: via this standard command, the sensor can be localised in the plant�
When the command is used, the switching status LEDs flash and "IO-L" is
displayed�(Function only available in operating mode [3])�
• Application Specific Tag: freely definable text assigned to the unit�
• Function Tag: freely definable text describing the device function in the plant�
(Function only available in operating mode [3])�
• Location Tag: freely definable text describing the installation location in the
plant� (Function only available in operating mode [3])�
For more detailed information refer to the device-specific IO Device Description
PDF at www�ifm�com�