4.2 Communication, parameter setting, evaluation
OUT1 (pin 4)
• Switching signal for system pressure limit
• Communication via IO-Link
OUT2 (pin 2)
• Analogue signal 4���20 mA / 0���10 V
4.3 Switching function
OUT1 changes its switching state if it is above or below the set switching limits
(SP1, rP1)� The following switching functions can be selected:
Hysteresis function normally open: [ou1] = [Hno] (→ Fig. 1).
Hysteresis function normally closed: [ou1] = [Hnc] (→ Fig. 1).
First set the set point (SP1), then the reset point (rP1)�
The resulting hysteresis remains even if SP1 is changed again�
Window function normally open: [ou1] = [Fno] (→ Fig. 2).
Window function normally closed: [ou1] = [Fnc] (→ Fig. 2).
The width of the window can be set by means of the difference between FH1
and FL1� FH1 = upper value, FL1 = lower value�
P = system pressure; HY = hysteresis; FE = window
When set to the window function, the set and reset points have a fixed
hysteresis of 0�25 % of the measuring span�