ifm Vision Assistant O3M
9.4 Position of the device
The following describes how the position of the device is indicated in the ifm Vision Assistant .
The following explanations refer to a reference surface to which the device is oriented . For
vehicles, the reference surface is, in most cases, the road surface . A wall or a virtual plane can be
selected as reference surface .
The sensor orientation determines the installation of the device:
vertical to the surface (portrait format)
horizontal to the surface (landscape format)
The pictograms in the figure indicate the position of the device (view from the front) .
Please consider the position of sensor screen when orienting the sensor . In the figure above, the
sensor screen is marked with a dot .
If none of the pictograms corresponds with the mounted device, please chose the pictogram that
looks most similar . The precise adjustment can be carried out later .
In this section, the reference surface is parallel to the X/Y level . The position of the reference point is
described in chapter 9 .3 .
With the fields "X position of sensor" and "Y position of sensor", the device can be relocated in the world
coordinate system . Due to this, the coordinate origin can be relocated to a point that is most adequate for
the application . Since the 3D coordinates of the device are provided in this world coordinate system, in
most cases, no further calculation is necessary .
In the field "Z position (height) of the sensor", the position of the device is indicated on the Z axis . The Z
axis is vertical to the reference surface . The Z position indicates the mounting height of the device .