Binary level sensor for overflow prevention / leakage detection according to WHG
7 Parameter setting
On delivery, the device is set to detecting low dielectric media (e.g. oils and oil-based media). In many
cases the factory setting is sufficient, so that no further settings are required.
Check the function by performing an application test.
In case the factory settings are not sufficient:
Adapt the device to the application.
The device can be configured using the inductive teach button or via IO-Link. Some functions
are only available via IO-Link.
Ensure that no malfunctions or hazardous conditions occur in the system.
All of the following operations and the described LED behaviour refer to the factory setting.
7.1 Parameter setting via the teach button
The teach button can be used first to unlock the device and then to adjust the device sensitivity.
The inductive teach button is operated with a metal object (e.g. screwdriver 1 x 5.5 mm) by
applying it flat to the teach surface. No operation is triggered by short (less than 1 s) or
permanent (statical) (longer than 30 s) actuation of the button.
Teach button
The device sensitivity is adjusted by optionally carrying out an empty adjustment and / or a full
The switching thresholds (switch point and reset point) are automatically defined with the adjustment
Teach only has an effect on the process value “level” and always affects both outputs (OUT-OP
and OUT2).
Any other settings can only be configured via IO-Link
The device is locked at the beginning of operation and after 120 s of inactivity (operating hurdle
to avoid unintentional input of incorrect values).