10 Operation
After power on and expiry of the power-on delay time (approx� 5 s) the unit is in
the Run mode (= normal operating mode)� It carries out its measurement and eval-
uation functions and generates output signals according to the set parameters�
• During the power-on delay time the outputs are switched as programmed: ON
for NO function (Hno / Fno) and OFF for NC function (Hnc / Fnc)�
• If output 2 is configured as analogue output, the output signal is at the maxi-
mum value during the power-on delay time�
10.1 Read the set parameters
► Press [Mode/Enter] until the requested parameter is displayed�
► Press [Set] briefly�
> The unit displays the corresponding parameter value for approx� 15 s� After
another 15 s the parameter is displayed again, then the unit returns to the Run
10.2 Changing the display unit in the Run mode
► Press [Set] briefly in the Run mode� Press the pushbutton to move to the next
display unit�
> The unit displays the current measured value for approx� 15 s, the correspond-
ing LED lights�
10.3 Error indication
Short circuit in OUT1�
Short circuit in OUT2�
Short circuit in both outputs�
Detection zone of volumetric flow or temperature exceeded:
measured value between 120 % and 130 % of VMR�
Below the detection zone of volumetric flow or temperature:
measured value between -120 % and -130 % of VMR�
- Unit faulty / malfunction�
- Measured value greater than 130 % of VMR or smaller than -130 % of VMR�
Setting pushbuttons locked, parameter change rejected�
VMR = final value of the measuring range