The Heartbeat function is activated by entering a value greater than "0" into the
Heartbeat interval time object (OD index 0x1017). The value indicates the time
between two Heartbeat signals in milliseconds. The Heartbeat function is
deactivated with the value "0".
9.1.9 Change objects
in the object directory are applied at once. The changes
will get lost by a reset. To prevent this the objects have to be saved in the internal
permanent memory (flash). All the objects marked in the object directory with
"Save object value: yes" are permanently stored in the flash of the device. By
writing the command "Save" (65766173h) to save the objects (OD index 1010h/
01h) all current objects of the object directory are transferred to the flash memory.
The objects can be reset to factory setting by writing the signature "Load"
(64616F6Ch) to the OD index 1011h/01h. After a reset the changes are applied.
Depending on the architecture of the CANopen network the objects can also be
stored centrally in a CANopen master. In this case the objects are transferred to
the device when the system is started and the locally stored values are
Special features of the objects
(OD index 0x20F0 and 0x20F1)
and the bit rate (OD index 0x20F2 and 0x20F3):
Changes of the objects are only applied after a reset.
The objects cannot be transferred to the flash via the OD index 1010h/
The objects cannot be reset to the factory setting via the OD index
9.1.10 Process data objects
64 transmit and receive process data objects each are available. On delivery 4
process data objects are active.
Transmit process data objects (TPDO)
The following table contains the transmit process data objects (