IO-Link Master with AS-Interface Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Adjusting the gateway profile
The gateway profile determines which process data of the IO-Link ports is transmitted cyclically
between the IO-Link master and the AS-i network. The user can adjust various gateway profiles using
the ID1 code of the basic AS-i slave. The process data is transmitted in the analogue channels of the
additional AS-i slaves (
Mapping: inputs and outputs of the IO-Link ports
In the factory settings, the AC6000 is a single AS-i slave. It has the CTT1 profile S-7.4.E (ID1 = 0xF)
with 4 analogue input channels. In each channel, 2 bytes of input data of an IO-Link port are
transmitted (mapping:
ID1 = 0xF
Setting the ID1 code of the basic AS-i slave is done using the functions of the AS-i master (
user documentation of the AS-i master).
Independent of the set gateway profile, the user can access all process data of the connected
IO-Link devices with acyclic commands.
Set the ID1 code of the basic AS-i slave.
AS-i master shows configuration error.
Re-configure the AS-i network.
AC6000 is a participant of the AS-i network.
AS-i master works in the "Protected mode".