IO-Link master
23 Substitute value behaviour
If Profibus communication fails or if no valid process data is received from the
Profibus master, all device outputs are set to the parameterized substitute values�
Please refer to the chapters → Status/control module → Startup parameters and
Flexible module configuration → Startup parameters sections for the precise
parameterisation of substitute values�
24 Setup as per STEP 7
24.1 Description of the setup of the device on a SIMATIC® S7 controller.
This document describes specific features associated with the setup of AL1010 on
an S7 controller�
This document is intended for S7 specialists� It does not cover a complete project,
just specific features associated with the use of the device�
It is assumed the user has knowledge of and experience in the operation of
PCs and Windows operating systems, and knowledge of the Siemens SIMATIC
software and Ethernet basics�
25 System requirements
25.1 Software
You are working with the software STEP 7 version 5�5, service pack 3 (version
25.2 Hardware
Hardware requirements for the Siemens SIMATIC software:
Please refer to the S7 documentation for the hardware requirements�
26 Integrate ifm Profibus device in the S7 controller (STEP 7)
To integrate the device into the network, proceed as described in the
manufacturer's documentation for your controller� This section only explains
fundamental steps that are relevant for the connection with the device�
26.1 Creating/opening a project
In the Siemens SIMATIC Manager, create a new project or open an existing