Section 3: Programming IEI MiniMax 3 Installation/Programming Manual
3.6.8 Programming Consecutive “Card Only” Users via Batch Entry by Presentation
To program consecutive “Card Only” user via batch entry by presentation (by presenting cards to the front end reader) use command
53. This command provides a simple method of programming a group of consecutive users by presenting the appropriate cards. Up to
1,998 users can be added this way at one time. Entering location 1 (master code) or location 2 (supervisor user) as the first card in the
sequence generates an error because the master and supervisor codes cannot be programmed as a “Card Only” user. The card loading
stops automatically once the current user location exceeds 2000. Pressing any key on the faceplate aborts the loading process.
Enter Program Mode
99 # master code *
Program Users
53 # user type # starting user location # * * <present
card>, <present card>, ....
Exit Program Mode
3.6.9 Command 50 Quick Program Feature - “Code Only” or “Card Only”
The Max 3 contains a quick method for programming standard access user type users that are usually programmed using command 50.
When using this method the 50 is not required in the command sequence.
Enter Program Mode
99 # master code *
Program “Code Only” User
user location # * code * repeat code *
Program “Card Only” User
user location # * * <present card>
Exit Program Mode
Page 34 of 48 Document #: 6055672, Rev 1.0 D1c