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Document Number: 80145503-001
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Note that the LRC comes at the end and represents the XOR of all preceding byte values including STX
and ETX.
NGA Protocol Format
Body/Input Body>…<LRC> <CheckSum><ETX>
Function Command
Command Format:
If valid command and no problem during execution
Setting Command
Command Format:
<TaskID> <S> <00>
<TaskID> <S> <00>
means Default the Task
<All (0x7F)> <S> <00>
means Default All
is number of function blocks to set in a task. Now only support
<NoFunc> = 1
has the following format of
is a one byte Property ID.
is a one byte length count for a setting
is a setting for a property.
If valid command and no problem during execution
Or (fail)
For setting command, reader will scan command first and send back error codes if it found any
error(s), and do setting if no error has been found.
<Unknown ID in Setting/Review list> (1600)
<Setting value out of
range> (1400)
will be treated as warning. i.e.: Do setting for other properties but skip setting for
those properties which have warning. Warning will be sent to host.
Host Review Command
Command Format: