7. I
C Interface > Protocol Overview
Tsi578 User Manual
June 6, 2016
Integrated Device Technology
CBUS compatibility
— Tsi578 does not provide the DLEN signal
— Tsi578 does not respond as a CBUS device when addressed with the CBUS address. The
Tsi578 will interpret the CBUS address like any other 7-bit address and compare it to its
device address without consideration for any other meaning.
Fast Mode or High-Speed Mode (HS-MODE)
Reserved 7-bit addresses should not be used as the Tsi578’s 7-bit address. If a reserved address is
programmed, the Tsi578 will respond to that address as though it were any other 7-bit address with
no consideration of any other meaning.
10-bit addressing
— Tsi578 must not have its device address programmed to the 10-bit address selection
(11110XXb) in systems that use 10-bit addressing. The Tsi578 will interpret this address like
any other 7-bit address and compare it to its device address without consideration for any
other meaning.
General Call. The general call address will be NACK’d and the remainder of the transaction
ignored up to a subsequent Restart or Stop.
Protocol Overview
The I
C protocol is a two-wire serial interface that consists of a bidirectional, open-drain clock bus
(I2C_SCLK), and a bidirectional open-drain data bus (I2C_SD). Multiple master and/or slave devices
can be connected to an I
C bus. I
C data is transmitted from one device to another across the I2C_SD
bus with timing referenced to the I2C_SCLK bus. With some exceptions, each bus can be driven low
(to a logic 0) by any device, but is pulled high (to a logic 1) by an external resistor tied to VDD. This
creates a “wired-and” configuration, where any single device can drive a bus to a logic 0, but a bus
rises to a logic 1 only if no devices are driving to a logic 0, allowing the pull-up resistor to bring the bus
to a logic 1 voltage.
C requires one device to assume the role of master during a transfer. The master generates the clock
on the I2C_SCLK bus and controls the overall transfer protocol, as defined by the
C Specification
One or more devices assume the role of slaves during the transfer and respond to the master by either
accepting data from the I2C_SD bus, or providing data to the I2C_SD bus. The selection of a specific
device to act as a slave results from a master transmitting a unique slave address as part of the I
protocol. Only one device is normally configured with the specific slave address and is the only device
to respond to the master. Other parts of the I
C protocol provide for arbitration between multiple
master devices, allowing more than one master device to share the bus on a one-at-a-time basis.
This document refers to I
C signals, serial clock and serial data, by names that are defined by
the device package as opposed to the
C Specification
. For example:
Serial clock – Package name is I2C_SCLK, specification name is SCL.
Serial data – Package name is I2C_SD, specification name is SDA.