IDT Switch Core
PES32NT24xG2 User Manual
4 - 16
January 30, 2013
Internal Errors
Internal errors are errors which are associated with a PCI Express interface, which occur within a
component, and which may not be attributable to a packet or event on the PCI Express interface itself or on
behalf of transactions initiated on PCI Express.
The PES32NT24xG2 classifies the following IDT proprietary switch errors as internal errors:
Switch core time-outs
Single and double bit internal memory ECC errors.
End-to-end data path parity protection errors
In addition, the switch offers a mechanism by which AER errors detected on a port may be reported as
internal errors in other ports. This mechanism is described in section Reporting of Port AER Errors as
Internal Errors on page 4-19. Internal errors are reported by the port in which they are detected through
AER as outlined in the PCI Express Base Specification. The reporting of internal errors in AER may be
disabled by clearing the Internal Error Reporting Enable (IERROREN) bit in the port’s Internal Error
Reporting Control (IERRORCTL) register.
The setting of the IERROREN bit in the IERRORCTL register affects all functions present in the port
(e.g., PCI-to-PCI bridge, NT function, and DMA function). When internal error reporting is disabled, the
following AER fields become read-only in all functions of the port:
Uncorrectable Internal Error Status (UIE) field in the AERUES register
Uncorrectable Internal Error Mask (UIE) field in the AERUEM register
Uncorrectable Internal Error Severity (UIE) field in the AERUESV register
Correctable Internal Error Status (CIE) field in the AERCES register
Correctable Internal Error Mask (CIE) field in the AERCEM register
Header Log Overflow Mask (HLO) field in the AERCEM register
The switch does not support recording of headers for uncorrectable internal errors. When an uncorrect-
able internal error is reported by AER, a header of all ones is recorded. It is possible to control the reporting
of internal errors detected by a port on a per-function basis. Each port function contains an Internal Error
Mask register that allows selection of which internal errors are reported on the function’s AER Capability
In the PCI-to-PCI bridge function, the P2PIERRORMSK0/1 registers provide this control.
In the NT function, the NTIERRORMSK0/1 registers provide this control.
In the DMA function, the DMAIERRORMSK0/1 registers provide this control.
By default, the following internal errors are reported only by the DMA function’s AER Capability Struc-
DMA IFB timeout (for posted, non-posted, and completion TLPs)
DMA IFB single and double bit errors (for control and data memories)
DMA EFB single and double bit errors (for control and data memories)
DMA end-to-end data-path parity error
In addition, internal errors caused by the mechanism described in section Reporting of Port AER Errors
as Internal Errors on page 4-19 are only reported by the PCI-to-PCI bridge function. All other internal errors
are reported by the AER Capability Structure in all functions present in the port (e.g., PCI-to-PCI bridge, NT,
and DMA). The functions present in the port depend on the port’s operating mode. Refer to Chapter 5,
Switch Partition and Port Configuration.
Corresponding to each possible internal error source is a status bit in the Internal Error Reporting Status
(IERRORSTS0/1) registers. A bit is set in the status register when the corresponding internal error is
detected. The purpose of the IERRORSTS0/1 registers is to log the specific internal error(s) detected by the
port. Software that is aware of the IERRORSTS0/1 registers can use this information to gain further insight
regarding the internal error(s) detected by a port. Software that is not aware of the IERRORSTS0/1 regis-
ters can ignore this register.
Summary of Contents for PCI Express 89HPES32NT24xG2
Page 20: ...IDT Table of Contents PES32NT24xG2 User Manual x January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 24: ...IDT List of Tables PES32NT24xG2 User Manual xiv January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 28: ...IDT List of Figures PES32NT24xG2 User Manual xviii January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 56: ...IDT PES32NT24xG2 Device Overview PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 1 20 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 100: ...IDT Switch Core PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 4 22 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 128: ...IDT Failover PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 6 4 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 148: ...IDT Link Operation PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 7 20 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 164: ...IDT SerDes PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 8 16 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 170: ...IDT Power Management PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 9 6 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 196: ...IDT Transparent Switch Operation PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 10 26 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 244: ...IDT SMBus Interfaces PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 12 40 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 247: ...IDT General Purpose I O PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 13 3 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 248: ...IDT General Purpose I O PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 13 4 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 330: ...IDT Switch Events PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 16 6 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 342: ...IDT Multicast PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 17 12 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 344: ...IDT Temperature Sensor PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 18 2 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 384: ...IDT Register Organization PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 19 40 January 30 2013...
Page 492: ...IDT Proprietary Port Specific Registers PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 21 44 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 588: ...IDT NT Endpoint Registers PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 22 96 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 710: ...IDT JTAG Boundary Scan PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 25 12 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 743: ...IDT Usage Models PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 26 33 January 30 2013 Notes...
Page 744: ...IDT Usage Models PES32NT24xG2 User Manual 26 34 January 30 2013 Notes...