EU declaration of Conformity
CE declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-3
IDT Sound Processing Corporation
5, allée Moulin Berger – 69130 Ecully - France
Product application
Sound Processor
Product Name
Digital Band Processor 7+4 (DBP 7+4)
European Telecom
ETS 300 384
ETS 300 384 A1
EN 60950
Basic standards
EN 61000 6-2 EN 61000 6-3
EN 55103-1
EN 55103-2
EN 55022
IEC 61000-3-2
IEC 61000-3-3
IEC 61000-4-2
IEC 61000-4-4
Registered standards
IEC 61000-4-5
IEC 61000-4-6
IEC 61000-4-11
We, IDT Sound Processing Corporation, declare that products referenced this above, to which
refers this declaration relate, satisfy the provisions of Directive(s) of the council,
n° 73/23/EEC of February 19th, 1973
modified by the Directive n° 93/68/EEC of July 22nd, 1993
n° 89/336/EEC of May 3rd 1989
modified by the Directives n° 92/31/EEC of April 28th, 1992
and n° 93/68/EEC of July 22nd, 1993
and are in conformity with the standard(s) referenced this above or other nominative
Sylviane TESSIER
Engineering manager
Ecully, on December 15th, 2005
IDT Sound Processing Corporation - Technoparc - 5 Allée Moulin Berger - 69130 Ecully – France
Tel. +33/(0) 472 18 19 20 – Fax. +33/(0) 472 18 19 21 – E-mail : [email protected] - Web : www.idt-fr.com
SAS au capital de 37 000
- RCS LYON 450 741 921 – N° TVA : FR 88 450 741 921 – APE : 221G