SWC-2000 Command Guide
2.2.4 The number of TCP-IP connections
The SWC supports up to seven simultaneous TCP-IP connections (seven logical ports).
To maintain optimal system accessibility, it is advisable to
issue “port-open” and “port-close” commands
before and after command or query strings are issued. This approach enables eight or more control devices
to be effectively interfaced simultaneously and without concern for communication errors.
[Table 2.3] Increasing connections
Your PC software
Connecting TCP-IP
(Occupying 1 port)
Sending command (@xxx)
Replying command (@xxx)
Closing TCP-IP
(Releasing 1port)
As a safeguard, the SWC incorporates a 30-second timeout window for each port. If any port is inactive for
more than 30 seconds, it will be closed automatically.