ICP-401UHD User Guide
7.7 Control from WEB browser
To control the ICP from a WEB browser, enter the IP address that is programmed into the ICP in the address
bar of the WEB browser to display the WEB menu. Note that the default IP address for all ICP switching
devices is:
See: 8.10.1 IP address
See: 8.10.2 Subnet mask
[Table 7.2] Example URL
Port number of WEB browser
URL to be entered into address bar
1100, 6000 to 6999
[Fig. 7.6] WEB browser page
JavaScript is used for the ICP WEB browser. When you set the ICP from WEB browser menu, enable
JavaScript before setting up. Refer to each browser’s help menu if you do not know how to enable JavaScript.
IDK tests the ICP under the following environment:
: Windows 7 Professional
WEB browser : Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Google Chrome 70
Mozilla Firefox 60 ESR