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TSG-550 Employee User Guide


Providing a good fingerprint


Place one of your registered fingers firmly and as flat as you can onto the reader. You need to 
give the sensor as much of your fingerprint as you can.  Please insure that the users finger is 
clean from any grease or dirt, this could impact the quality of the user’s fingerprint registraEon 
and could lead to misreading.  

Do not point your finger


When you place your finger in the sensor the screen will light up. On the right hand side of the 
screen you will see an image of your fingerprint. This red oval should be as full as possible with 
your fingerprint. ReposiEon your finger and try again if it is not. 

See image below for correct finger posiEoning inside the reader slot. 

Successful record  

A blue light on the boLom of the device will 
light up and a female voice will say, 
“Welcome”. This applies to both clicking in 
and out. On the right hand of the display 
your fingerprint will be shown on an oval 
white background. Beside this it will show 
your Employer ID no. and the Eme stamp. 

Unsuccessful record  

A Red light will light at the boLom of the device. On screen the following text will be displayed: 
“Access denied, press finger again”, and a female voice will say, “Unregistered fingerprint”. If this 
conEnues please try an alternate finger. Otherwise RFID tags can be used as a secondary 
idenEficaEon mode in cases of inferior fingerprint quality. 

Cleaning the Lens  

Please make sure the Fingerprint Lens is cleaned regularly. This can be done by 
placing a piece of Sellotape over the Lens and removing it. 




Idency Ltd 

No.7 The Old Hop Kiln 

1 Long Garden Walk, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7HX 

t: 01252 727103; e: [email protected] 

Company Reg No: 8965113; VAT No: GB 183 6203 13
