IDEC SmartRelay Manual
3 Programming IDEC SmartRelay
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Programming in our context refers to the creation of a circuit
program. A IDEC SmartRelay circuit program is actually no
more than a circuit diagram presented in a slightly different
We have adapted this presentation to the IDEC SmartRelay
display field. In this chapter we are going to show you how to
use IDEC SmartRelay to create the IDEC SmartRelay circuit
programs for your application.
At this point, we once again refer to WindLGC, which is the
IDEC SmartRelay programming software you can use to
quickly and easily create, test, modify save and print the cir-
cuit programs. The topics in this manual relate only to the
creation of circuit programs on the actual IDEC SmartRelay,
because the programming software WindLGC already con-
tains an extensive Online Help. See also Chapter 7.
IDEC SmartRelay versions without display unit, i.e. the FL1C-
B12RCE, FL1C-B12RCA and FL1C-B12RCC units, do not have an
operator panel and display unit. They are primarily designed for use
in small machine and process equipment engineering systems for
series production.
FL1C-B12... versions are not programmed directly at the unit. In-
stead, the circuit program is downloaded to this device by means of
WindLGC or memory cartridges (cards) of other IDEC SmartRelay
FL1C units.
IDEC SmartRelay versions without display can not write data to
memory cartridges (cards).
See Chapter 6, 7 and Appendix C.
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ●