IDEC SmartRelay Manual
8.8 Benefits of IDEC SmartRelay
IDEC SmartRelay is a particularly useful feature
For replacing auxiliary switchgear with the integrated
IDEC SmartRelay functions
For saving wiring and installation work - because IDEC
SmartRelay keeps the wiring "in its head".
For reducing space requirements for components in the
control cabinet/distribution box. A smaller control cabinet/
distribution box may provide sufficient space.
For adding or changing functions, without having to install
additional switchgear or change the wiring.
For offering your customers new, additional functions for
domestic and commercial housing installations. Exam-
Domestic security systems: IDEC SmartRelay switch-
es on a lamp at regular intervals or opens and closes
the shutters while you are on holiday.
Central heating: IDEC SmartRelay runs the circulation
pump only when water or heating is actually required.
Refrigerating systems: IDEC SmartRelay can defrost
refrigerating systems at regular intervals to save ener-
gy costs.
You can illuminate aquaria and terraria on a time-de-
pendent basis.
Last not least you can:
Use commonly available switches and pushbuttons,
which makes it easy to install a domestic system.
Connect IDEC SmartRelay directly to your domestic in-
stallation; the integrated power supply makes it possible.
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ●