Wiegand Menu
To enter the Wiegand menu, type the shortcut:
Esc, B, Enter
The wireless receiver can output standard 26 or 34 bit Wiegand. Select a port by typing
, then press
toggle between the following options:
26 Bit
: Standard 26 bit Wiegand format. Each button on the remote will use the same code.
26 Bit Unique User
: Standard 26 bit Wiegand format. The buttons on the remote will use the same site code
but different card numbers, so that each button has a unique 26 bit code.
34 Bit
: Standard 34 bit Wiegand format. Each button on the remote will use the same code.
34 Bit Unique User
: Standard 34 bit Wiegand format. The buttons on the remote will use the same site code
but different card numbers, so that each button has a unique 34 bit code.
The '
Unique User
' operation multiplies the remote's encoded card number by 16 and then adds 1 for each button.
For example, a 4-button remote with card number 10 would have output card numbers of 161, 162, 163 and 164.
Therefore, the maximum encoded card number should not exceed
If this number is exceeded the output card number for each button will be truncated, which may cause duplicate
PGM Menu
To enter the PGM menu, type the shortcut:
Esc, C, Enter
The auxiliary outputs (P1, P2, P3, P4) and relay output can be programmed to change state based on receiving a
button press from a transmitter.
Type the number corresponding to the output to be changed and press
, which will toggle the state between
the following three options:
: The output will remain disabled.
Off, pulse On at valid Receive
: The output is normally off, and is pulsed on for 2 seconds.
On, pulse Off at valid Receive
: The output is normally on, and is pulsed off for 2 seconds.
Signal Strength Menu
To enter the signal strength menu, type the shortcut:
Esc, G, Enter
The reception range can be limited for each button, ideal for situations where multiple buttons operate different
doors on a site.
To determine the required signal strength, stand just outside of the desired range and press the button on the
Note the RSSI number displayed on the terminal output. This is a good starting point for the minimum signal
In the signal strength menu, type in the button number and press
Type the minimum signal strength noted above and press
Confirm that the button operates correctly in the desired area. Adjust the minimum signal strength as
RF-RCVR-433 | Wireless 433MHz Receiver | Installation Manual