Protege Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Installation Manual | April 2011
PC Connection - Standalone Mode
For complex systems where the required setup can not be achieved using the DIP switch programming show
above, the Protege Temperature and Humidity Sensor can be programmed using a serial connection from a PC
Computer. Both the Temperature and Humidity inputs have independently configurable set points that can
activate the LED and Relay outputs when they are exceeded.
These are configured using a terminal emulator program (e.g. Hyper-Terminal) on a PC Computer.
Step 1
Using an RS-232 to RS-485 Converter (like the ACC-485 from Integrated Control Technology) or USB to RS-485
Converter (like the ACC-485-USB from Integrated Control Technology) connect the Protege Temperature and
Humidity Sensor to a Serial Port.
Step 2
Open the terminal emulator program and make a connection using a baud rate of 38400, 8 data Bits, no parity
Bit, 1 stop Bit and no flow control (38400,8,n,1).
Step 3
Press ‘ESC’ and the following screen will appear.
The Main Standalone Menu