Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
SMTP Port:
The port used by your SMTP server. The
standard port used by most SMTP servers is
SMTP Server requires SSL:
Check this box if your SMTP
server requires an encrypted SSL connection.
Sender E-mail Address:
Enter the e-mail address you wish
to appear as the sender of the e-mail notifications.
Recipient E-mail Address(es):
Enter an e-mail address that
will receive the e-mail notifications. This field can also be
used to send a text message notification to a cell phone. See
the Text Message Alarm Notifications section for more
information. Multiple e-mail addresses can be included on
this line, separated by a comma.
SMTP User Name:
If your SMTP server requires a user
name and password, enter the user name here. Leave this
field blank if your SMTP server does not require
SMTP Password:
If your SMTP server requires a user name
and password, enter the password here. Leave this field
blank if your SMTP server does not require authentication.
Minimum E-mail Interval:
Specify a minimum interval
required between e-mail notifications. (Default 1 minute,
range 0 to 60 minutes) This time interval is used to prevent
an un-intended flood of e-mail alarm notifications that could
occur when an alarm limit is incorrectly configured, for
General E-mail Notifications:
Select the Power Supply
Communication reset tick box to receive an alarm e-mail
whenever the network communications hardware is reset for
any reason.
5.7. Alarm Setup
This page allows you to choose which alarms you wish to activate.
To save any changes to the alarm settings, click on Save Settings
the bottom of this page.