7034 Commerce Circle
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: 925.416.1000
Web: www.icselect.com
Relay DRiVeR
40 line
Provides up to 40 outputs
for driving external relays or
other heavy loads.
Eliminates the need for exter-
nal drivers and logic circuits.
Configurable as 24, 32 or 40
relay driver outputs.
Unused driver lines are
available as TTL I/O lines to
sense inputs, switch closures
or to output data.
Mates with ICS's 2003, 2303,
4803 and 8003 Parallel Inter-
face boards.
Drive relays and digital sig-
nals from the GPIB bus, from
a Serial source, via USB or
over an Ethernet network.
Outputs can be pulsed or
controlled individually or by
8-bit bytes.
Versatile firmware give you
full control of the output lines.
Provides 5 volts to power the
Interface Board.
Eliminates the need for a
separate 5 volt power supply.
All I/O lines have screw
Easy signal connection.
RoHS Compliant
Relay DRiVeR BoaRDS
Compact assembly
The xx03DVR Board is designed to to mate
with ICS's xx03 Parallel Interface Cards that have
their digital connector mounted on the circuit
side so the connector faces down. The Interface
Boards plug down into the xx03DVR Board as
shown in Figure 1 so the LEDs and I/O connectors
are available to the user. This makes a compact
assembly that is only 4.5 inches wide by 7 inches
long. Height depends upon which board is being
used with the xx03DVR Board.
A version of the xx03DVR Board is avail-
able for standard xx03 Parallel Interface Cards
but it sits on top of the Parallel Interface Card,
covers the I/O connectors and and adds to the
assembly height.
xx03DVR Relay Driver Board
shown with a 4803 Interface Board
Figure 1 ICS xx03 Parallel Interface Board plugs down onto the xx03DVR Board
The xx03DVR Board expands the
output drive capability of ICS's 40-line
Parallel Interface Boards by adding heavy-
duty solenoid drivers to each output signal.
The xx03DVR is designed so that the user
can use 24, 32 or all 40 digital lines with so-
lenoid drivers to operate relays and other heavy
loads. When just 32 or 24 lines are used for relay
drivers, the remaining eight or sixteen lines can
be used as standard board TTL I/O lines. The
xx03DVR Board also converts the relay power
supply voltage into 5 Vdc for powering itself and
the Parallel Interface Board. This eliminates
the need for a separate 5 volt power supply. The
xx03DVR board works with connector down ver-
sions of ICS's 2003, 2303, 4803 and 8003 Parallel
Interface Cards.
High Current Relay Drivers
The xx03DVR Board is equipped with 40
open-collector darlington type drivers that can
sink up to 500 mA to operate relays, solenoids or
other heavy loads. The rugged relay drivers can
handle voltages up to 48 volts. The xx03DVR's
driver circuits have been designed to be glitch
free so as to not pulse the external relays at power
turn-on or turn-off. The output drivers can be
operated by bit commands that toggle one bit at
a time, by byte-wide commands that control 8
bits at a time or by string commands which can
control multiple bytes at a time.
2303, 4803 or 8003
Digital Interface
Relay Driver Board
Relay Control