4.8.3 Account
Manage all the users. You can add, delete, or modify users. Users include admin, added users and
ONVIF users.
Managing users and groups are only available for administrator users.
The max length of the user or group name is 31 characters which consisted of number, letters,
underline, dash, dot and @.
The password must consist of 8 to 32 non-blank characters and contain at least two types of
characters among upper case, lower case, number, and special character (excluding ' " ; : &).
You can have 18 users and 8 groups at most.
You can manage users through single user or group, and duplicate user names or group names are
not allowed. A user can be in only one group at a time, and the group users can own authorities
within group authority range.
Online users cannot modify their own authority.
There is one admin by default which has highest authority.
Anonymous Login
to log in with only IP address instead of user name and password.
Anonymous users only have preview authorities. During anonymous login, click
to you
can log in with other username.
Adding a User
You are admin user by default. You can add users, and configure different authorities.
Step 1
Figure 4-98 Username
Step 2
Add User
Figure 4-99 Add user (operation permission)