Heartbeat Time
Heartbeat time. Range: 10 sec. ~ 65535 sec.
Com End Method
Com End Method
Com End Param.
0: Fixed Time. It is
as complete a data
when no data came
at a fixed time
2 ms~ 65535 ms
The RMV-511 will
transmit a data
when there is a
data more than
1000 bytes.
1: Fixed Length
It is
as complete a data
when the length of a
data more than fixed
1 ~ 1000
2: Fixed end byte. It
is as complete a
data when receives
the fixed end byte.
Like “CR” (0x0d)
0 ~ 255
Com End Param.
4.5 Download/Upload Parameters
(1) Download parameters
As the configuration is finishing, the function can download the parameters to
the RMV-511 by
clicking “Download” as the following figure.
(2) Upload Parameters
"Uploading" button can upload the parameters from the RMV-511 as the
following figure.