PISO-CPM100(U) / PCM-CPM100 user manual (ver. 2.02) Dec/03/2012 ----------------- 111
4.5.76. CPM100_GetMasterRxPDOEvent
Using this function can get all the RxPDO messages sent to the
CPM100. For example, the CPM100 has used the function
CPM100_InstallPDO_List to install an CPM100‘s RxPDO object with the
COB-ID 0x333. If someone sends an RxPDO message with the COB-ID
0x333 to the CPM100, users can use this function to get this RxPDO
message. The parameter, BoardNo, indicates the number of the
CPM100 which receives the RxPDO message. The parameter, Cobid, is
the RxPDO COB-ID ID. The two parameters, *WLen and *WData, are
the data length and contents of the RxPDO message. This function is
usually applied with the function CPM100_InstallRxPDOISR. About the
demo please refer to the section 4.1.6 SDO_PDO_ISR.
Note: The function is valid while the Node parameter of the
function CPM100_InitMaster is > 0.
CPM100_GetMasterRxPDOEvent (
[output] Get the board number of the CPM100 which
receives the RxPDO message.
[output] Return the RxPDO COB-ID.
[output] The data length of the RxPDO data.
[output] Return 0~4 bytes of the RxPDO data.