PISO-CPM100(U) / PCM-CPM100 user manual (ver. 2.02) Dec/03/2012 ----------------- 110
4.5.75. CPM100_GetMasterRemotePDOEvent
Using this function can get all the Remote PDO messages sent to the
CPM100. For example, the CPM100 has used the function
CPM100_InstallPDO_List to install an CPM100’s TxPDO object with the
COB-ID 0x444. If someone sends a Remote PDO message with the
COB-ID 0x444 to the CPM100, users can use the function
CPM100_GetMasterRemotePDOEvent to get this PDO message. The
parameter, BoardNo, indicates the number of the CPM100 which
receives the Remote PDO message. The parameter, Cobid, is the PDO
COB-ID sent to the CPM100. This function is usually used with the
function CPM100_InstallRemotePDOISR. About the demo please refer
to the section 4.1.6 SDO_PDO_ISR.
Note: The function is valid while the Node parameter of the
function CPM100_InitMaster is > 0.
CPM100_GetMasterRemotePDOEvent (
[output] Get the board number of the CPM100 which
receives the Remote PDO message.
[output] Return the COB-ID of the Remote PDO message.