Getting Started: I-8437-80/8837-80/8417/8817, Jul 2020 V2.0 54
Connecting PC to the I-8437-80/8837-80 Ethernet Port
The I-8437-80/8837-80 PACs provides a single Ethernet port can be used to connect to the PC.
The COM2 Port is replaced from an RS-485 to Ethernet.
The user must set the Ethernet communication parameters correctly for successfully
downloading the ISaGRAF project to the PAC over the network. Refer to
Mask and Gateway address.
First, open an ISaGRAF project on PC and click the "Link Setup" button. In the "PC-PLC Link
Parameters" window, select the “Ethernet” as the communication port and click the “Setup”
In the "Ethernet Link Parameters" window, enter the IP address of the PAC and make sure the
"Port Number" is 502 and then click OK. Click on "Debug" in the "Programs" window to connect
to the PAC.